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Ken B
Techie, AI guy, Humanist, Watcher at the Gate, daily photographs, Critically thinking rationalist with an artistic shiny-object gland in my brain. No time to chat. Way too busy for that. My software:
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This Echinacea or Coneflower is at the end of its life in the rock garden of our front yard. These were used by First Nations of the Great Plains region as traditional medicines. They're supposed to boost the immune system & fight colds, but the spiked head doesn't look very edible. Pretty though.

A spiked Echinacea or Cone Flower is at the end of its life cycle with its once red petals now pink and faded.

This tee shirt at the market was intriguing. The Nahɂą Dehé Dene Band is a very small Canadian First Nations band in the Northwest Territories. There're only 121 band members in the community & 19 elsewhere. They're Dene people who inhabit the northern boreal, subarctic & Arctic regions of Canada.

The tee shirt reads Nahɂą Dehé K'eodii. It is translated below as Taking care of Nahɂą Dehé people.

After missing the chance to buy white tomatoes at the market in Aylmer, Québec last Sunday, I wasn't going to let it happen again. I harvest the seeds of various heritage tomatoes for my garden. This was in the 2nds bin. The guy charged me $1.50 for it. I'll be growing this huge tomato next year.

A huge tomato can barely fit into my hand. It was in a bin at the village farmers market.
The huge tomato is shown with a ruler. It is six inches across.

I live in a rural area. The narrow roads are scenic & city cyclists come in hordes on the weekends. They're etiquette retarded. They don't ride in single file & can't tell red from green. I was annoyed when this ebike was pushed around the market instead of being parked. The entitlement astounds me.

A skinny little guy in a florescent green jacket and bike helmet pushing around a gargantuan e-bike at the village market. Its size could make it pass for a motorcycle. The bike should have been parked.

I almost choked to death in Puerto Rico. A street vendor sold me a huge piece of fried pork rind, a contiguous piece of pig skin that you broke off & ate. It is drier than sin & was stuck in my throat. It took a bottle of water to free it. I discovered these spicy pork rinds at WalMart. Not bad.

A package of super hot spicy pork rinds in a red bag. They are an adequate low carb snack. They are better than regular pork rinds that can be a bit cloying.

Maybe you have seen the photo that I posted last night of a baby mesmerized by colourful carrots at the market in the village yesterday. I swear that there is a new baby boom going on. Children were everywhere at the Saturday market yesterday. Ankle-biters everywhere. I hope that there's a boom.

A toddler holding her mother's hand in the foreground at the left and a man pushing a baby in a carriage behind at the market in the village.

So I was at the farmer's market in the village this morning, and the baby stared at a small basket of multi-coloured carrots on the ground. At first I thought the baby was just catatonic, so I shoved the carrots away with my foot. Sure enough, the baby's eyes followed. The baby is a carrot top.

A baby being held in its father's arms at the market this morning, avidly staring at a container of multi-coloured carrots.

Tonight a day or two later it still itches like hell! I got some hydrocortisone cream at the drug store, and it relieves the itching for about twenty minutes. Calamine lotion was a total bust -- didn't work. The funny part is that with poison ivy, I am relatively immune, but not this stuff.


I've tried that. It is so bitter, that it was inedible. Some people like it, but it causes me to almost vomit.



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Ken B
Techie, AI guy, Humanist, Watcher at the Gate, daily photographs, Critically thinking rationalist with an artistic shiny-object gland in my brain. No time to chat. Way too busy for that. My software:
1.2k followers1.2k following3.6k posts