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Ken B
Techie, AI guy, Humanist, Watcher at the Gate, daily photographs, Critically thinking rationalist with an artistic shiny-object gland in my brain. No time to chat. Way too busy for that. My software:
1.2k followers1.2k following3.6k posts

I live in a rural area. The narrow roads are scenic & city cyclists come in hordes on the weekends. They're etiquette retarded. They don't ride in single file & can't tell red from green. I was annoyed when this ebike was pushed around the market instead of being parked. The entitlement astounds me.

A skinny little guy in a florescent green jacket and bike helmet pushing around a gargantuan e-bike at the village market. Its size could make it pass for a motorcycle. The bike should have been parked.

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Ken B
Techie, AI guy, Humanist, Watcher at the Gate, daily photographs, Critically thinking rationalist with an artistic shiny-object gland in my brain. No time to chat. Way too busy for that. My software:
1.2k followers1.2k following3.6k posts