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Ken B
Techie, AI guy, Humanist, Watcher at the Gate, daily photographs, Critically thinking rationalist with an artistic shiny-object gland in my brain. No time to chat. Way too busy for that. My software:
1.2k followers1.2k following3.6k posts

This Echinacea or Coneflower is at the end of its life in the rock garden of our front yard. These were used by First Nations of the Great Plains region as traditional medicines. They're supposed to boost the immune system & fight colds, but the spiked head doesn't look very edible. Pretty though.

A spiked Echinacea or Cone Flower is at the end of its life cycle with its once red petals now pink and faded.

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Ken B
Techie, AI guy, Humanist, Watcher at the Gate, daily photographs, Critically thinking rationalist with an artistic shiny-object gland in my brain. No time to chat. Way too busy for that. My software:
1.2k followers1.2k following3.6k posts