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Jani Koski
PÀivisin UX ja AI konsultti, öisin unessa. IsÀ, puoliso, hapuileva lintuharrastaja, keskinkertainen luontokuvaaja ja tumpelo perinnerakentaja. Luonto, musiikki, kirjat, runot, taide ja elokuvat kiinnostavat. Sad songs make me happy. Hyvien puolella.
1.1k followers1.7k following6.6k posts

TÀmÀ on tavallaan ihan totta, mutta samaan aikaan on virhe pitÀÀ sitÀ pelkkÀnÀ puheena. SillÀ puheella on ollut huomattavasti puolueen kokoa suuremmat vaikutukset poliittiseen ilmapiiriin ja kulttuuriin, sekÀ nÀkyy myös ihan konkreettisesti lainsÀÀdÀnnössÀ.


The basic problem with our current political system is that our leaders love whatever they think will get them elected. Fighting climate change and the fast moving global ecological collapse require many hard and unpopular decisions. That is a recipe for a disastrous stalemate.


Probably the reason they’re not arresting climate protesters in China is that everyone in China knows what happens to protesters. And it’s true that their record on the environment as a whole is pretty horrible, even if they do invest in tackling the CO2 emissions.


And yes, per capita the US emissions are 14.21 tons, versus 8.89 for China. Global average is 4.80.


I don’t think that it is a false narrative. Most western companies have moved their production to China, India, etc. and by doing that they have also off shored the emissions there. As a result, the emissions for the western countries don’t look as dire as they should.


And there is the fact that the global west has in essence off shored a large chunk of their emissions to China, and that is not always taken into account in the statistics.


Direction and the velocity of change. The point is that we are still a long way off where we need to be, even in places where action has been taken. I am happy to see any progress in the right direction, but China has a lot to do still. Having said that The US hasn’t even really started yet.


Onkohan tuo laimentaminen ratkaisu globaaliin raaka-aihepulaan ja hintojen nousuun? Appelsiinin saatavuuden kanssa on ollut jo pidemmÀn aikaa haasteita.


China is doing things, but their emissions are still by far the highest in the world, and even per capita they are twice the global average.


No government is taking the situation seriously enough, that much is certain, but I still believe that at least accepting it as a scientific fact makes some difference. But yes, we’ve heard enough talk, it’s time to turn that into actual policy.

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Jani Koski
PÀivisin UX ja AI konsultti, öisin unessa. IsÀ, puoliso, hapuileva lintuharrastaja, keskinkertainen luontokuvaaja ja tumpelo perinnerakentaja. Luonto, musiikki, kirjat, runot, taide ja elokuvat kiinnostavat. Sad songs make me happy. Hyvien puolella.
1.1k followers1.7k following6.6k posts