Kirk Murphy
"We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable - but then, so did the divine right of kings" Ursula K LeGuin "The Nazis changed but they never went away" Chumba "He sees the bright and hollow sky" my people "Cuddle us" my kitties
990 followers2.5k following4.6k posts
Reposted by Kirk Murphy

There is telling on yourself and there is a level of projection that invites scores of psychoanalysts to pore over a paragraph. ‘Deconstructing “Palestine” is not nitpicking but an absolute moral imperative. … Words must precede the bloody work of extermination’

Deconstructing “Palestine” is not nitpicking but an absolute moral imperative, because the long and bitter legacy of “Palestine” provides an object lesson in how genocides happen. It teaches us that such atrocities never occur spontaneously. The writ is always drawn up beforehand. Words must precede the bloody work of extermination. The history of humanity is littered with these demonic words. “Palestine” is one of them.

Oh no. My heart goes out to you - so very sorry for your loss. Our kitties give us such love, but are with us far too briefly. My deepest condolences.

Reposted by Kirk Murphy

I feel your pain. I had a supervisor about whom one of my predecessors wrote a novel about killing.

Reposted by Kirk Murphy

And interned at Lancaster Castle during WWI. I‘m interested in the myth making around his biography and his methods.

Reposted by Kirk Murphy

Ha, never knew that. MĂśnchengladbach, who'd have thought it!

Reposted by Kirk Murphy

I keep thinking of WV in 2016. I was there a few weeks after the flood to catch up with family in SW VA and the destruction looked like Katrina (I was in NOLA in 2006, too). I checked last night to see how WV was getting on. Only 1 of 8 schools rebuilt…

West Virginia still impacted by June 2016 flood 8 years later - WV MetroNews
West Virginia still impacted by June 2016 flood 8 years later - WV MetroNews

23 people died in the June 23, 2016 disaster.

Reposted by Kirk Murphy

The Appalachians are extraordinarily beautiful, a truly unique place. The feds consider Appalachians to be an officially recognized ethnic minority, in fact--and a poverty-stricken one. One's mountain, one's valley, is an ancestral home. They've lost a lot they absolutely could not afford to lose.

Reposted by Kirk Murphy

They'll work like ants to get I40 passable again but it won't be fast. Long haul trucking will need to find another pass, much further north, and a LOT in the US is transported via semi-truck. (Meanwhile to get I40 up, workers are pulled off local roads, with people trapped up mountains.)

Reposted by Kirk Murphy

Transit gets its own post: the Apps aren't the Rockies but they are big, big mountains, and so there are only so many E-W interstate (expressway/highway) passes through them. A major southern pass is washed out/in trouble at multiple points. This is very bad. Long-term bad.


Do all French villages have sex chairs? If so, why was Vincent so unhappy? Why would Gauguin bother to leave? Sooo many questions….

Kirk Murphy
"We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable - but then, so did the divine right of kings" Ursula K LeGuin "The Nazis changed but they never went away" Chumba "He sees the bright and hollow sky" my people "Cuddle us" my kitties
990 followers2.5k following4.6k posts