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Anti-Alf Aktion
Ceaseless watcher, turn your endless gaze upon this wretched thing. A labeling service for all things Alf, as well as certain facts about content found in usernames, descriptions, and posts. Not regularly monitored.
157 followers0 following48 posts

As always, it is opt-in and defaults to ignoreā€”you wonā€™t see the label and posts wonā€™t be blurred (warn) or hidden (hide) unless you do choose.


Weā€™ve rolled out a new label ā€œMAGAā€ which is applied to profiles with MAGA, Trump, or Trump 2024 in their bio. Labeling is not automated. The corresponding blocklist can be found here:

A setting interface with the heading "MAGA" followed by a description: "Username and/or description which includes MAGA, TRUMP, or TRUMP 2024." Below the description, there are three options displayed horizontally: "Off," "Warn" (selected), and "Hide."

We're rolling out block lists for accounts for a few of the labels! You can subscribe here!


There are still edge cases though. For example, I only want to match on that single Greek-letter, but not Greek-speakers or other folks with Greek phrases in their bio. The former is easy to filter out, the latter can be a bit more challenging.


This should be fixed!

Reposted by Anti-Alf Aktion

You might think that bluesky has a lot of fundraisers, but you'd be mistaken. The median poster flagged by has posted a fundraiser link once. Fundraisers Georg, who has posted fundraiser links 531 times is an outlier and should not have been counted.

The screenshot shows an R code snippet and the resulting output displayed in the console.

1. A dataset `data` is summarized using `dplyr::summarise()`, counting occurrences (`n = dplyr::n()`) and grouping by `did`.
2. The summarized data is then further summarized to calculate:
   - `mean` of `n`
   - `median` of `n`
   - `q`, which includes quantiles at 0%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 95%, and 100%
3. The quantile list is expanded into columns using `tidyr::unnest_wider(q)`.

The result is a tibble (a simplified version of a data frame in R) containing the following statistics:
- `mean`: 4.22
- `median`: 1
- Quantiles: 
   - 0%: 1
   - 5%: 1
   - 10%: 1
   - 25%: 1
   - 50%: 1
   - 75%: 3
   - 90%: 7
   - 95%: 14
   - 100%: 531

This output indicates that most values are low, with a few higher outliers, as shown by the jump between the 95th percentile and the 100th percentile.

Oh god, it took like a week just to get through the existing elders. By the time this Eternal September is labeled the next one will be upon us


Weā€™ve also added the label TERF. This is applied only to accounts whose profile contains explicit self-description of user being a ā€œTrans-Exclusionary Radical Feministā€ (TERF) or ā€œGender Criticalā€ (GC).


We have added a new label ā€œšŸ¦–: Dinosaur Emojiā€. This emoji is frequently used by so called ā€œGender Critical Feministsā€ (Transphobes) from the UK to self-identify. To avoid false positives this will require manual review.

A cropped screenshot showing a profile description that includes a dinosaur emoji. The description begins with the dinosaur emoji followed by the text "Dinosaur Emoji" in bold. Below that, the text reads, "Profile description which includes" followed by another dinosaur emoji and a period. The background is light gray, and the overall design is simple and clean, with a focus on the text and the emojis.


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Anti-Alf Aktion
Ceaseless watcher, turn your endless gaze upon this wretched thing. A labeling service for all things Alf, as well as certain facts about content found in usernames, descriptions, and posts. Not regularly monitored.
157 followers0 following48 posts