Baima Li
Layoff fodder -> aka software/data engineer We're just a budget line item now... AWS Certified: Able To Pass A Data Engineering Exam While Menopausal
35 followers477 following236 posts

Yes, citation very much fucking needed.


Why is this being reported like it's just a basic campaign stop? I mean, is talking about negotiating ending a war with the preseident of one of the countries involved in the war something that all presidential candidates do?!!

Meeting with Zelenskyy, Trump says he will negotiate a Ukraine-Russia deal 'that's good for both sides'
Meeting with Zelenskyy, Trump says he will negotiate a Ukraine-Russia deal 'that's good for both sides'

Trump also complained about his 2019 impeachment, which stemmed from a July 2019 phone conversation with Zelenskyy about the Bidens.


Curtis Fucking Yarvin. This is the dude J.D. Vance and his leash holder Peter Thiel consider to be their “Prophet”. You should get to know Curtis a little bit because is one insane, sick little monkey.

Where J.D. Vance Gets His Weird, Terrifying Techno-Authoritarian Ideas
Where J.D. Vance Gets His Weird, Terrifying Techno-Authoritarian Ideas

Yes, Peter Thiel was the senator’s benefactor. But they’re both inspired by an obscure software developer who has some truly frightening thoughts about reordering society.


My fellow Texans: You have less than TWO weeks to get your voter registration shit in order. If your name is not on the rolls, get your ass a registration form, fill it out, and get it to your county clerk's office ASAP. This is close, we can do this, but only if we can vote.


An entirely avoidable tragedy that, if these lawmakers were serious about wanting to protect kids instead of just thinking trans people are icky, should be extremely convincing evidence to make them reverse course


The article leaving out this context and the broader push to privatize weather forecasts is Journalistic malpractice, imho


These people are operating under a fundamental belief in eugenics and regard poor people as “surplus” population. The fact they can consistently say as much to a receptive media which reports their ideological declarations as inevitable truths demonstrates the hegemony of their belief.

Baima Li
Layoff fodder -> aka software/data engineer We're just a budget line item now... AWS Certified: Able To Pass A Data Engineering Exam While Menopausal
35 followers477 following236 posts