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John Laking
Things I will bang on about: Films 🎥 Music 🎶 Books 📚 TV 📺 Sport 🏏 ⚽️
150 followers217 following1.6k posts

Update: The DVDs and Blu-Rays are back in their place. I’ve culled a small handful that will go off to the charity shop. They are never likely to look this tidy again so thought I’d do some shelfies. Books next, which if anything is a more intimidating job.

A big black shelving unit filled with DVDs and Blu-Rays of films with another load on the top of it.
A bookcase full of DVDs and Blu-Rays of films with some box sets on top.
Another bookcase full of DVDs and Blu-Rays with some more box-sets on the top.

I got fed up trying to make room for them, so went extreme. Chucked the cases and filed all my DVD/Blu-ray discs in zip folders. Bags of space made, but I miss being able to browse cover art.

Top of shelf units full of black zip folders.
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John Laking
Things I will bang on about: Films 🎥 Music 🎶 Books 📚 TV 📺 Sport 🏏 ⚽️
150 followers217 following1.6k posts