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Law Creep
Here to learn stuff and shit post through a permanent existential crisis. Don't rely on anything I say. Suicidal ideation and never a danger to self. Autistic. He/Him. White, for contextual reference.
102 followers551 following877 posts

So far so good, but the guy was squatting(?) in the bottom unit of a duplex owned by a "recluse" and renovating the exterior. The recluse assured us it would be done in 6 months. 2 years of constant "construction" later he's disappeared and we find out she's died.


He left meat out for his outdoor cats (who also left us gifts). His non-code electrical work included running a non-outdoor rated extension cord to the street for his buddy sleeping in a car (the electrical was our concern), and he consistently undermined the hill our homes shared.

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Law Creep
Here to learn stuff and shit post through a permanent existential crisis. Don't rely on anything I say. Suicidal ideation and never a danger to self. Autistic. He/Him. White, for contextual reference.
102 followers551 following877 posts