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Law Creep
Here to learn stuff and shit post through a permanent existential crisis. Don't rely on anything I say. Suicidal ideation and never a danger to self. Autistic. He/Him. White, for contextual reference.
102 followers551 following877 posts

Neither code enforcement nor adult protective services seemed interested in the situation, and in the ~2 years before she died, we saw the "recluse" twice.


All windows boarded over/blacked out and at one point added a new one (to black it out) that was not weather tight at all. He once tried to set up a trolly system to haul a 8x10 TRIPLE PANE WINDOW up the stairs we share. It was too heavy, and his solution was to smash it to pieces on the sidewalk.

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Law Creep
Here to learn stuff and shit post through a permanent existential crisis. Don't rely on anything I say. Suicidal ideation and never a danger to self. Autistic. He/Him. White, for contextual reference.
102 followers551 following877 posts