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Elana Levin
Elana_Brooklyn on that other site. Host of Graphic Policy Radio- a podcast at the intersection of genre media & movements for social change. 🤘🏻 🏳️‍🌈 🖖🏻 Public Health, labor unions, NYC, comic books, music history & DS9 They/them
2.8k followers1.7k following5.9k posts

I was just saying this on my podcast; if you plan on donating this election you need to do so now. The closer we get to voting the less usable your money is. Give your $ directly to grassroots PoC orgs talking to voters in swing states. Here’s a vetted list

Movement Voter Project
Movement Voter Project

Organizing works. MVP funds progressive local organizing to win elections and transform policy.


Harris is literally saying she has more than she can spend (& I’m glad she’s giving it to downballot races now). She doesn’t need more money. The ACLU doesn’t either. When you donate to grassroots orgs working at the local level that supports up and down-ballot & works in communities year round.


100% this. Movement Voter PAC/Movement Voter Project and the local groups they work with are key to the ground game, the ground game is key to turnout, and turnout is key to victory.

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Elana Levin
Elana_Brooklyn on that other site. Host of Graphic Policy Radio- a podcast at the intersection of genre media & movements for social change. 🤘🏻 🏳️‍🌈 🖖🏻 Public Health, labor unions, NYC, comic books, music history & DS9 They/them
2.8k followers1.7k following5.9k posts