Lily Crue
Moved from rural coastal Monterey, California, small town life to the big city life at San Antonio, Texas. You will find me indoors hiding from the sun, pollen and speeding cars on the freeway.
45 followers42 following1.6k posts

apricots remind me of my aunt asking me what snacks she should bring to the pool. She and her children were very over weight. I was dieting. I told her fruit. That I recommend an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables. She had a huge bag of apricots from the farmer's market...


She said that apricots would give everyone diarrhea! She said everyone knows that! I was confused. I asked if that was the case, why did she buy them and in large amounts? She said she makes dessert with them. I don't know if cooking them stops them from causing diarrhea? I can eat them...

Lily Crue
Moved from rural coastal Monterey, California, small town life to the big city life at San Antonio, Texas. You will find me indoors hiding from the sun, pollen and speeding cars on the freeway.
45 followers42 following1.6k posts