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Lissa Harris
pompe à chaleur. recovering local digital news reporter. volunteer firefighter. climate solutions and NYS policy watcher. feral rural sword queer. Gideon the Sixth she/her/bro
3.4k followers749 following16k posts

re: previous repost: now is a very good time to make sure you are up on how to safely operate a fossil fuel powered generator we have had some godawful unnecessary carbon monoxide poisoning deaths in my area during large power outages

Reposted by Lissa Harris

Regardless you have multiple stages of death associated with any natural disaster, currently people who were hit by Helene are in stage 2: people with chronic medical conditions who can no longer manage them begin to die. People die from contaminated water. From accidents with power tools.


it’s just been my adult life, the real surprise was having a few years off from it til now 💀


it feels cruel not to tell him anything, but telling him things has not gone great for yours truly


I want there to be a way for me to convey to my brother that I mean him no ill will, but no, I’m sorry, we can’t be in touch without talking to him or having anyone else close to us talk to him either, because that just inflames things hiring a lawyer to do it probably reads aggressive 💀


we shared everything we could with anyone who asked a year later, I was tearing my hair out because a local business made a huge donation to the radio station that was straight up reading our news on the air around the clock because he was so grateful to them for the news 😂😂😂 it be that way lol


we had a GIS wizard volunteer step forward to help us map closed roads because the counties were doing things like sending us Word docs with lists that would immediately be upended by reality “real-time dynamic info”: to this day, not so much a thing in local gov’t he was on Twitter, I miss him


we did this during Irene in 2011 - but we were a fairly new startup. regular readers relied hard on our flood info, but we didn’t yet have good established relationships with a lot of official types my immediate thought on seeing this was “wow, the county is helping them, that’s more than we had”

Reposted by Lissa Harris

In IRA2 (a) Appropriations--In addition to amounts otherwise available, there is appropriated to the Secretary for fiscal year 2026 out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated-- (1) $100,000,000 for the Federal Writers’ Project for hyperlocal news capacity and resilience

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Lissa Harris
pompe à chaleur. recovering local digital news reporter. volunteer firefighter. climate solutions and NYS policy watcher. feral rural sword queer. Gideon the Sixth she/her/bro
3.4k followers749 following16k posts