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CW Wilkie
ACES-cert. editor, writer, content manager; 두만강. Enjoy grilling food, fleeing on my Vespa, camping, practicing cocktails. I need to see the rest of the world soon. Living with a brilliant, dangerous wife and recently down to one cat.
181 followers134 following765 posts

Well, I cleaned the great goddamn out of my office to appease the house-elf, and she has returned my fountain pen collection, my Xacto knives, and the extremely sharp German scissors. You can't argue with results.


CW, perhaps you should gift your house-elf with this tome. It is my go-to tome for all things relating to personal organization. DB asked about our Wi-Fi node, told her it was in the second pile, two layers down. She found it. (You will have to click the link,)

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CW Wilkie
ACES-cert. editor, writer, content manager; 두만강. Enjoy grilling food, fleeing on my Vespa, camping, practicing cocktails. I need to see the rest of the world soon. Living with a brilliant, dangerous wife and recently down to one cat.
181 followers134 following765 posts