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蓮猫 Lotuscat
A naturalist and lichen lover living in Nagano, Japan. Wandering in wood, nature journaling, lichens & fungi, sci-art, country living, movies, books. AM Japanese, PM English. 信州の地衣類の人。午前日本語、午後英語。
1.1k followers364 following3.1k posts

Everyone walked right past this Peltigera. I think some rare lichens like Lobaria and Peltigera thrive so close to the trails because people leave them alone. Flowers are pretty so they get picked. Good to be dull sometimes. Sugadaira Kogen, Ueda, Nagano #Lichen#FungiFriends#地衣類

Close-up of the “nail” of the Peltigera lichen. It is orange and jagged, while the lobe on which it is located is dark green.
Colony of Peltigera lichen. The wide lobes are dark green, almost black. The “nails” or spore producing part on the edge of the lobes are green.

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蓮猫 Lotuscat
A naturalist and lichen lover living in Nagano, Japan. Wandering in wood, nature journaling, lichens & fungi, sci-art, country living, movies, books. AM Japanese, PM English. 信州の地衣類の人。午前日本語、午後英語。
1.1k followers364 following3.1k posts