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蓮猫 Lotuscat
A naturalist and lichen lover living in Nagano, Japan. Wandering in wood, nature journaling, lichens & fungi, sci-art, country living, movies, books. AM Japanese, PM English. 信州の地衣類の人。午前日本語、午後英語。
1.1k followers364 following3.1k posts

Just a smudge on the rock. Up close, there are craters with purple interior. It may be Diploschistes sp. due to the cracks in the thallus, but I am not sure. I love the lichens with elegant small apothecia. Sugadaira Kogen, Ueda, Nagano #Lichen#FungiFriends#地衣類

Close-up of the crater-like apothecia of Diploschistes lichen. The interior of the crater is deep purple, while the rim is white-grey. The body of the lichen is also white-grey and the craters are separated with cracks in the body.
White patch on the rock is the colony of Diploschistes lichen. Small white dots can be seen in the central part of the colony.

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蓮猫 Lotuscat
A naturalist and lichen lover living in Nagano, Japan. Wandering in wood, nature journaling, lichens & fungi, sci-art, country living, movies, books. AM Japanese, PM English. 信州の地衣類の人。午前日本語、午後英語。
1.1k followers364 following3.1k posts