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cau | wisdom saga ⏳
#AARONWARNER: books are easily destroyed. but words will live as long as people can remember them. | 📖 zodiac academy 9
784 followers689 following338 posts

"Maybe letting her choose isn't the best idea," David said. Betsy put a hand over her heart. "David, you wound me." "Bee likes musicals," Andrew announced brightly, though David had found that out the hard way. "Bee will find something. I will shower."


"Everyone knows now, Bee." And that, she thought, was the harsh truth he would medicate to avoid processing. Not his uncle's betrayal or Drake's violence, but having his violation broadcast against his will to a family he couldn't let go of and wouldn't let in.


“And I know you have done astoundingly well despite lifes every attempt to crush you. I'm sorry," she said, trying and failing to catch his eye, "and I'm so, so proud of you."


"I know what happened to you today was beyond cruel, and that Drake's death will not undo what he did to you. I know our system has failed you every step along the way and that a part of you will carry that distrust and betrayal for many years to come, if not for the rest of your life.”


Andrew was dragging a thumb up and down his left forearm in short, agitated jerks. The force behind it would have torn skin if his sleeves weren't there to take the brunt of it. Betsy rapped the table again, and Andrew obediently reached for his mug with both hands.


“Andrew laughed and gave an exaggerated shrug, only to wince and reach for his bandaged temple. "Ouch," he complained cheerily, a second before digging his fingers hard into the gauze and tape. Betsy tapped the table in front of him in warning.”


quotes favs: When David propped his shoulder against the kitchen doorframe a moment later, Andrew pointed at him and turned a scandalized look on Betsy. "Working theory: Coach is allergic to sugar!" "How ghastly," Betsy said.


David wasn't a praying man, and hed never quite decided whether he believed in an afterlife, but for a second he glanced up at the sky in search of Kayleigh's disapproving glower. "I'm sorry," he said, and he went back inside to find a drink of his own.


“David had to be neutral and unyielding, but Kevin would always be different.” "You're not just a Fox," David said, before he could think to stop himself. "You're Kayleigh's son."


The memory of Kayleigh's amused voice in his ear was so vivid he could almost feel the weight of his phone in his hand: "Did you think you were my only lover? He isn't yours, David. You have nothing you need to worry about."

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cau | wisdom saga ⏳
#AARONWARNER: books are easily destroyed. but words will live as long as people can remember them. | 📖 zodiac academy 9
784 followers689 following338 posts