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He/him. Trying to be a good ally to all but please call me out if you think I can do better I sometimes talk about aviation and aerospace engineering, often about inclusion in my industry Opinions are my own and not affiliated with any other organisation
205 followers1k following2.3k posts

Thomas Castaignède, because he made going to Watford to watch rugby seem like an exotic and exciting adventure where anything could happen. More detail on the alt text of the image

A photograph of Thomas Castaignede stretching before a kick during a Saracens game. This was in the 1990s before Saracens' era of dominance of the English rugby union domestic league and Castaignede's arrival to the English game felt like a superstar arrival and part of a transition of a small club game to something bigger and more exciting. Whatever has happened to English club rugby in the years since, good or bad, I'll always remember Thomas's arrival as the start of something that, at the time, felt very special

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He/him. Trying to be a good ally to all but please call me out if you think I can do better I sometimes talk about aviation and aerospace engineering, often about inclusion in my industry Opinions are my own and not affiliated with any other organisation
205 followers1k following2.3k posts