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Attorney Major of Florida
Official account for the first Black elected Attorney Major. Proud of my accomplishment, ashamed of my state. My hobbies include video games, pro wrestling, music, and watching my blocked by number on Clearsky surge every two weeks.
687 followers192 following2.3k posts

Not a ton of updates on this one because we're playing like ass. But special shout out to this execrable officiating crew. Twice now they've fucked over Miami with these weird calls that leave some players thinking the play is dead and others still playing. #MiamiDolphins#NFL


lol. I thought betting might force NFL to improve refereeing. Also learned recently that NFL referees are unionized.


Massive clusterfuck to the the half and prove why Skyler Thompson is not and never will be a starting caliber QB.... On a hail mary shot, ST loses object permanence and gets demolished by a hard hit from a defender rushing from behind. #MiamiDolphins#NFL

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Attorney Major of Florida
Official account for the first Black elected Attorney Major. Proud of my accomplishment, ashamed of my state. My hobbies include video games, pro wrestling, music, and watching my blocked by number on Clearsky surge every two weeks.
687 followers192 following2.3k posts