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Maik Zumstrull
Writer of code turned wrangler of coders. Drinker of coffee. Fan of reliable systems.
57 followers220 following344 posts

You make a lot of valid points on this, and yet I refuse to follow you all the way over to "this is fine". There's no universe where more than £100k in "personal gifts" is fine.


I didn't get the impression he suggested it's fine, because he did say he'd want the system reformed. But I am more worried about the 4M donation from Quadrature for a variety of reasons (Cayman islands, invest in ffuels, Rachel Kyte got job as climate envoy)

Labour handed £4m from tax haven-based hedge fund
Labour handed £4m from tax haven-based hedge fund

Quadrature’s donation is noteworthy not just for being Labour’s largest-ever, but for its timing ahead of election


I didn't say it is fine. The system of donations is rotten. But it needs to change for everyone and be replaced with something else. Picking on the guy who was as transparent as possible within that system and demanding that he unilaterally put himself at a huge disadvantage in an election, is daft.


It is possible to assert that: 1) Tory corruption is not the same as Labour 'gifts', but much much worse; 2) good people are being co-opted to whitewash Tory corruption; yet… 3) Labour should be held to the same standards as anyone, and these gifts should be banned as professionally improper.It is possible to assert that: 1) Tory corruption is not the same as Labour 'gifts', but much much worse; 2) good people are being co-opted to whitewash Tory corruption; yet… 3) Labour should be held to the same standards as anyone, and these gifts should be banned as professionally improper.

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Maik Zumstrull
Writer of code turned wrangler of coders. Drinker of coffee. Fan of reliable systems.
57 followers220 following344 posts