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🤡 I TELL JOKES AROUND HERE 🤡 🦀 🚫No crabs allowed🚫🦀 Cis*(/j) nonmed(/srs) trans man 27 y/o. Artist and musician. Furry for fun. Shizoaffective. Too autistic and scaring the hoes. Aspiring KY public defender. Got my Bachelor's in graphic design.
112 followers162 following3.5k posts

I'm not sure if delegates going against the popular vote has ever *literally* been the case in Kentucky in particular, I'm just complaining about the stupidity of showing favoritism toward Republicans by their districting, and it becoming a circular "Kentucky is red because it's red" thing.


Yeah, but the point is that at least now if the majority of votes in KY or TX as states, no districting involved, go to Harris then Harris gets all the electoral votes. The only two states that allocate different than winner takes all are NE and ME.

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🤡 I TELL JOKES AROUND HERE 🤡 🦀 🚫No crabs allowed🚫🦀 Cis*(/j) nonmed(/srs) trans man 27 y/o. Artist and musician. Furry for fun. Shizoaffective. Too autistic and scaring the hoes. Aspiring KY public defender. Got my Bachelor's in graphic design.
112 followers162 following3.5k posts