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Michael A Osborne
Dad, husband, Australian, Professor of Machine Learning in Oxford. Bayesian ML, Long Covid, AI must be good for humans,
3.2k followers292 following485 posts

The defendant, who stands accused of chewing through the power cables on our cargo bike

The image shows a golden retriever dog resting on a blue-gray upholstered chair or sofa. The dog has its eyes closed and appears to be sleeping or very relaxed. Its head is resting on the arm of the chair, and its golden fur contrasts nicely with the blue-gray fabric. The dog's nose is prominently visible in the foreground. In the background, you can see a window and what looks like some books or papers on a surface, suggesting this might be in a home office or living room setting. The image gives off a cozy, peaceful atmosphere with the comfortable-looking dog taking a nap.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Exhibit A

The image shows a close-up view of a bicycle frame, focusing on a section where several cables and wires are visibly damaged. The cables appear to have been chewed through, with frayed ends and exposed wires visible. This damage is consistent with the earlier mention of a dog chewing on power cables of a cargo bike.

The bicycle frame is black, and parts of a wheel and other bike components can be seen in the background. The bike is positioned on what looks like artificial grass or a lawn, suggesting it's outdoors.


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Michael A Osborne
Dad, husband, Australian, Professor of Machine Learning in Oxford. Bayesian ML, Long Covid, AI must be good for humans,
3.2k followers292 following485 posts