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Marian L Thorpe (birder me)
Birding and nature posts here. (Illustrative photos via Wikimedia unless noted. I'm not a photographer.) Writing posts at
283 followers197 following468 posts

Wildlife sculpture (by Cindy Lee Wright) at the Norfolk Wildlife Trust's Cley reserve, life size, mounted to move in the wind or hide among the plants, birds and mammals of the marshes and meadows here on the North Norfolk coast. #birding photos mine

outdoor metal sculpture of a common buzzard and a spoonbill
outdoor metal sculpture of a birds
outdoor metal sculpture of a hare
Cley marshes.

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Marian L Thorpe (birder me)
Birding and nature posts here. (Illustrative photos via Wikimedia unless noted. I'm not a photographer.) Writing posts at
283 followers197 following468 posts