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Markus Erdt
Illustrator for board games, fantasy, books, apps and more. Open for commissions: Wonderlink:
771 followers280 following983 posts

Bastille - Queen Games, takes place during the French Revolution. I didn't paint the Cover - so I didn't include it here- but most of the internal designs and illustrations. #boardgame#MEart#art#history

Bastille, Queen Games, art by Markus Erdt.
The board of the game, different zones represent different areas of Paris during the French Revolution each marked in different colors.
Bastille, Queen Games, art by Markus Erdt.
Playing cards with a watercolor style background and a row of different icons on the left side: Coins, flags, jewels, a crown, weapons and more. The highlight is the human characters for each card: A French soldier of the time, a priest, a noble and a peasant.
Reposted by Markus Erdt

Uhhh wait what? Prime Video put the entirety of Legend of Vox Machina seasons 1 and 2 on youtube!??! I hiiiiighly recommend you check this out. You don't need to know anything about D&D or Critical Role, just jump in!

The Legend of Vox Machina S1E1 FULL EPISODE | Prime Video
The Legend of Vox Machina S1E1 FULL EPISODE | Prime Video

YouTube video by Prime Video


I looked at MilesDF on Twitter, who seems to sell a lot, so that's inspiring. I am fine with furry art, not so sure about NSFW material, though. It sure seems like it sells well. Anyone with some selling experience around here? ^^


After getting my calendar printed, it makes me wonder if I should try printing a small book of sorts. I dont have to register a business if its a low number, but there are other problems attached when you try to sell your own stuff. Print on demand is a different matter.


These are awesome.


You can train your own AI for specific tasks. Klaus, Spiderverse and others did it before (creating a complicated art style filter of sorts). Its the blatant gen AI scraping and dream of mass lay-offs thats repulsive. Not sure where exactly this lands though.


Wow, impressive. I have never done a full table like that. What does it cost to rent a place for your own during a con/fair?


Here is something else AI cant do: Modelling, sculpting etc. #MEart

Sculpted models of dinosaurs in brown colors. A complete Deinonychus made out of paper, wire and glue. A Triceratops skull and a paper Ceratosaurus skull without jaw. By Markus Erdt.
A brown sculpture of a Deinonychus skeleton. Made out of paper, wire and glue. By Markus Erdt
A Ceratorsaurus upper skull, made out of slices of paper, glues together to create a 3d form. Painted in a dark brown color. By Markus Erdt
A Triceratops skull with moveable jaw. Made from clay, painted in grey brown colors. By Markus Erdt.

Graffiti - Queen Games. Another one of those projects that lets you do a lot of creative stuff with the style idea. This is one of those games where the final version looks quite different to what I originally designed. #boardgame#coverart#underground#graffiti#streetart#spray#tags#MEart

A boardgamecover for Graffiti, by Queen Games. Illustrated by Markus Erdt. We look down into an urban tunnel, the walls and ceiling are completely covered in detailed graffiti artworks.
Graffiti, by Queen Games. Illustrated by Markus Erdt.
The playing board, different areas, show different options to place the player's tags on. An English police officer is in a blue area, next to a yellow field that shows a store for spraying cans and colors. The middle is a street with graffiti options around it, ready for the players to "spray" them. Other areas of the board show money, bags and ID cards.
Graffiti, by Queen Games. Illustrated by Markus Erdt.
Different Graffiti artworks for the players to "spray" on the board. Many are homages to famous graffiti artists.
Graffiti, by Queen Games. Illustrated by Markus Erdt.
4 Graffiti tags, one for each player. A red one, the letters form the word red as well as the shape of a mouse or rat. Green in more bulky and has some star elements, yellow has a strong Korean influence and blue is very round and feels like its flows from one letter into the next.

The games fair "Spiel 2024" in Essen (Ge) is coming up next week. I made a new handout for my clients: A desktop calendar. Prepping the print files in InDesign was some extra work, but it was worth it and they look great. #print#MEart#calendar#advertisment#layout#design

A small desktop calendar as a handout for clients. The cover shows a fantasy autumn scene on the top half with cute critters in the middle, nuts, berries and leaves around the corners. In the middle, the name of the designer: Markus Erdt. Contact at the bottom.
A page of a desktop calendar. The month, days and numbers are presented on a mint green square on the right, while the background is filled with a fantasy illustration of a badger in armor, wielding a hammer decorated with flowers and strawberries. He stands in a dark green, lush forest scene. Art by Markus Erdt.
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Markus Erdt
Illustrator for board games, fantasy, books, apps and more. Open for commissions: Wonderlink:
771 followers280 following983 posts