Martin McKee
Prof of European Public Health LSHTM Research Director European Observatory on Health Systems & Policy Member Independent SAGE Past President BMA & European Public Health Association Committed to 🇬🇧 rejoining 🇪🇺 #academicsky
1.4k followers242 following187 posts

4/4 Features associated with lower obesity included community beautification, bike lanes, pedestrian safety and traffic signals. Indicators of community disorder were associated with more obesity.


3/n After accounting for many other factors, we found that obesity rates were 40% lower in communities scoring better on an index we developed to generate scores based on standardised photos of each community. This was true in urban and rural communities


2/n The PURE study began 20 years ago - it’s an amazing collaboration that brings together a wealth of data on participants and their communities. We developed an Environmental Profile of a Community’s Health (EPOCH), including photos of built environment

Environmental Profile of a Community's Health (EPOCH): An Instrument to Measure Environmental Determinants of Cardiovascular Health in Five Countries
Environmental Profile of a Community's Health (EPOCH): An Instrument to Measure Environmental Determinants of Cardiovascular Health in Five Countries

Background The environment in which people live is known to be important in influencing diet, physical activity, smoking, psychosocial and other risk factors for cardiovascular (CV) disease. However n...


🧵1/n We know the built environment influences physical activity and risk of obesity, but much of the evidence is from urban areas in high income countries. We’ve now analysed data from 530 communities in urban & rural areas in 21 countries across the world.

Assessing the built environment through photographs and its association with obesity in 21 countries: the PURE Study
Assessing the built environment through photographs and its association with obesity in 21 countries: the PURE Study

The built environment can influence human health, but the available evidence is modest and almost entirely from urban communities in high-income count…

Reposted by Martin McKee

Prof Kevin Fong giving the most devastating and moving testimony to the Covid Inquiry of visiting hospital intensive care units at the height of the second wave in late Dec 2020. The unimaginable scale of death, the trauma, the loss of hope. Please watch this 2min clip.

Professor Kevin Fong testifying at the Covid Inquiry Module 3, Sept 2024
Professor Kevin Fong testifying at the Covid Inquiry Module 3, Sept 2024

YouTube video by Christina Pagel


I get it that some senior figures in n the NHS are upset about recent criticism of its performance. But perhaps they might ask whether they could have spoken out more when it was clear that things were going wrong (or maybe not patronised/ attacked those of us who did) #complacency


Got round of applause when I said I’d stopped posting on the other place. It seems that Elon Musk isn’t so popular here!

Martin McKee
Prof of European Public Health LSHTM Research Director European Observatory on Health Systems & Policy Member Independent SAGE Past President BMA & European Public Health Association Committed to 🇬🇧 rejoining 🇪🇺 #academicsky
1.4k followers242 following187 posts