Matt Pearce
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
4.5k followers455 following210 posts
Reposted by Matt Pearce

I think one of many factors that causes people to misperceive coverage levels of something is that several important algorithms, most importantly Facebook and Threads, now deprioritize news. If you’re used to seeing coverage go by in your feeds, you won’t, and it’s not because there isn’t any.

Reposted by Matt Pearce

project management is my passion

screenshot of a mac desktop with folders labeled "this one" "newest" and "most recent"
Reposted by Matt Pearce

Hmm I don't really like labels, but I guess if you put a gun to my head I'd have to say, labels are good, I like labels


You are being set up to fail. Is there a union?

Reposted by Matt Pearce

Today, X suspended after he published a dossier the Trump campaign compiled on J.D. Vance on his newsletter on Substack, citing a rule against “posting private info.” Verge reports X is blocking the URL, scrubbing it from search, & deleted their hacked materials policy.

X blocks links to hacked JD Vance dossier
X blocks links to hacked JD Vance dossier

First as tragedy, then as farce.

Reposted by Matt Pearce

I want to emphasize that I really believe this and am saying this with absolutely nothing to hide: the country of Myanmar is an overlooked jewel of southeast Asia, a rich tapestry of culture, cuisine, and Instagrammable attractions


Public funding advocates: public money will help lessen corporate influence in politics! Eric Adams campaign, per indictment: “oh we can leverage our fraudulent straw donations to soak taxpayers”

ERIC ADAMS, the defendant, compounded his gains from the straw contributions by using them to defraud New York City and steal public funds. New York City has a matching funds program that matches small-dollar contributions from individual City residents with up to eight times their amount in public funds, to give New Yorkers a greater voice in elections.
ADAMS's campaigns applied for matching funds based on known straw donations, fraudulently obtaining as much as $2,000 in public funds for each illegal contribution. ADAMS and those working at his direction falsely certified compliance with applicable campaign finance regulations despite ADAMS's repeated acceptance of straw donations, relying on the concealed nature of these illegal contributions to falsely portray his campaigns as law-abiding. As a result of those false certifications, ADAMS's 2021 mayoral campaign received more than $10,000,000 in public funds.
Reposted by Matt Pearce

the fact that for some reason matts link did not have a descriptive card meant i was clicking on it blindly which made it all the more gratifying tbh

Reposted by Matt Pearce


Matt Pearce
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
4.5k followers455 following210 posts