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Ms. Wong
Artist Mary Elizabeth any pronouns Free Palestine from the river to the sea LandBack
319 followers599 following1.4k posts

"... I srael is committing crimes against humanity and waging regional war (while dragging international states to it) all in order to maintain its control of resources in the region, while annexing Palestinian lands unabated. Israel's violence is in order to defend its ethnoreligous supremacy."

مريم البرغوثي Mariam Barghouti


In a single night Israeli military carpet bombed Lebanon, carpet bombed Gaza, invaded Jenin and Tulkarem in the West Bank.

Israel is committing crimes against humanity and waging regional war (while dragging international states to it) all in order to maintain its control of resources in the region, while annexing Palestinian lands unabated.

Israel's violence is in order to defend its ethnoreligous supremacy.

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Ms. Wong
Artist Mary Elizabeth any pronouns Free Palestine from the river to the sea LandBack
319 followers599 following1.4k posts