Michael Grunwald
Writing a book about food and climate change. Canary Media columnist. Florida residence ā‰  endorsement.
1.2k followers62 following53 posts

I have an obvious bias on this but people who live in states with climate-denying governments do not deserve to lose their homes in climate-driven disasters. This is even true of people who voted the wrong way.


Itā€™s so bad over there. I guess I should be here?

Reposted by Michael Grunwald

Iā€™m so sorry to report that the wood-burning company I shredded as a green energy joke in ā¦@POLITICOMag is bankrupt. Iā€™ll always treasure the memory of asking their chief sustainability officer whether setting forest fires would be carbon-neutral.

Wood pellet producer Enviva files for bankruptcy and plans to restructure
Wood pellet producer Enviva files for bankruptcy and plans to restructure

The largest industrial wood pellet supplier in the world has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Maryland-based Enviva said in its filing that it has some $2.6 billion in debt and plans to cut about half...


Iā€™m so sorry to report that the wood-burning company I shredded as a green energy joke in ā¦@POLITICOMag is bankrupt. Iā€™ll always treasure the memory of asking their chief sustainability officer whether setting forest fires would be carbon-neutral.

Wood pellet producer Enviva files for bankruptcy and plans to restructure
Wood pellet producer Enviva files for bankruptcy and plans to restructure

The largest industrial wood pellet supplier in the world has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Maryland-based Enviva said in its filing that it has some $2.6 billion in debt and plans to cut about half...


Mitch McConnell was a major character in my Obama book, because the story of the GOP since Obama's election has been a story of No, and he was the mastermind of No.

The Victory of  ā€˜Noā€™
The Victory of ā€˜Noā€™

The GOPā€™s unprecedented anti-Obama obstructionism was a remarkable success. And then it handed the party to Donald Trump.

Reposted by Michael Grunwald

The replies: "but people eat food." True, but Mike didn't say "abolish eating." He correctly pointed out that there's >30x as much land in agriculture vs. settlements which is relevant to habitat destruction. A nuance: (sub)urban EXPANSION is an issue although still not as big as ag EXPANSION. 1/


I'm sad about the owl, too. But! 1. Overall, cities save wildlife, because they prevent suburban sprawl from destroying habitat. 2. Suburban sprawl isn't driving extinctions either; it's only 1% of our land. 3. If you care about Flaco, and nature, the problem is agriculture. It's 40% of our land.


I have a bunch of thoughts about that owl, but at 53, Iā€™ve finally matured enough to keep them to myself for a few days. For now Iā€™ll just say, with all due respect to the well-intentioned folks discussing bird-friendlier architectural design, thatā€™s not what Iā€™m thinking about.


It is a mystery, but when a dissident drops dead in Putinā€™s prison, you know Putin did it, and when a bunch of fish drop dead in our waters, you know we did it.

Mystery in the Keys: Fish kills rise to 17. Scientists search for clues
Mystery in the Keys: Fish kills rise to 17. Scientists search for clues

Scientists say the fish kill that started in November and spread among dozens of species is unlike anything they've seen before.

Michael Grunwald
Writing a book about food and climate change. Canary Media columnist. Florida residence ā‰  endorsement.
1.2k followers62 following53 posts