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MIT Press
Committed to the daily re-imagining of what a university press can be since 1962.
1.4k followers264 following79 posts

"We must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.”

60 Years Ago, Congress Warned Us About the Surveillance State. What Happened?
60 Years Ago, Congress Warned Us About the Surveillance State. What Happened?

"We must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from whi...


"All scientists are standing on the shoulders of the giants who have gone before them, and there is objectively a cumulative element in science."

Is Discovery Inevitable or Serendipitous?
Is Discovery Inevitable or Serendipitous?

Are breakthroughs really a matter of chance, or are they simply waiting to be uncovered by the right person at the right time?

Reposted by MIT Press
Reposted by MIT Press

If you're a reader in the US & would like a free copy of DEEP DREAM: SCIENCE FICTION EXPLORING THE FUTURE OF ART (, edited by me, featuring many excellent writers & the art of Diana Scherer, you can enter this Goodreads giveaway for 5 copies (for 5 winners), ends Sep 27:

Book giveaway for Deep Dream: Science Fiction Exploring the Future of Art by Indrapramit Das Sep 13-Sep 27, 2024
Book giveaway for Deep Dream: Science Fiction Exploring the Future of Art by Indrapramit Das Sep 13-Sep 27, 2024

Enter to win one of 5 free copies available. Giveaway dates from Sep 13-Sep 27, 2024. Win a copy of Deep Dream, created by ten acclaimed writers imaginin...

Reposted by MIT Press

oh hey we have a book cover!

book cover with a picture of three lionesses standing and two lion cubs laying on a grey rock against a cloudy grey blue sky. Text reads "Feminism in the Wild: How Human Biases Shape Our Understanding of Animal Behavior; Ambika Kamath and Melina Packer"

This week on the MIT Press Reader, a deep dive into the nature of ignorance and the unsettling realization of what we don’t know, as explored through the lens of Plato's Allegory of the Cave:

Plato’s Cave and the Stubborn Persistence of Ignorance
Plato’s Cave and the Stubborn Persistence of Ignorance

Plato's cave metaphor illustrates the cognitive trap of ignorance, where we may be unaware of the limitations of our understanding.


Any attempt to understand the complexities of American economic thought without considering the significant role of religious beliefs is incomplete, writes Harvard economist Benjamin Friedman.

The Deep Religious Roots of American Economics
The Deep Religious Roots of American Economics

Any attempt to understand the complexities of American economic thought without considering the significant role of religious beliefs is incomplete.

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MIT Press
Committed to the daily re-imagining of what a university press can be since 1962.
1.4k followers264 following79 posts