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Author M. I. Verras
Worldwide-known author, singer, pianist, and music composer. Enneagram type 4 ♠️♣️🌑 Who are the ten figures seated around the table? THE HIDDEN FACE (Amazon, Ebay, B&N):
4.6k followers24k following19 posts
Reposted by Author M. I. Verras

I'll make you suffer, Emmanuel. I will throw you into the fire and watch how beautifully you will be burning." "At least don't be so sure." THE HIDDEN FACE, the fast-paced and unputdownable metaphysical mystery novel by M. I. Verras

Reposted by Author M. I. Verras

As I reach the edge of the opening, my blood pressure is rising. Never have I seen something like this before." Marquise Gertain, THE HIDDEN FACE by M. I. Verras Found on Amazon, Ebay, B&N, etc.


"You will be eternally condemned to stand where you are right now, watching every hour and every minute the people you sacrificed." Sate, THE HIDDEN FACE by M. I. Verras #booksky#books#bookrecs#bookrecommendations#movie#actor#style#lifestyle#love#photography#AI#artwork#author#authors


I'll make you suffer, Emmanuel. I will throw you into the fire and watch how beautifully you will be burning." "At least don't be so sure." THE HIDDEN FACE, the fast-paced and unputdownable metaphysical mystery novel by M. I. Verras

Reposted by Author M. I. Verras

‪This painting is finished! "Forest Sentinel" - A Barred Owl is perched on a mossy branch in a spruce forest, calmly watching you from above. An 11x14" oil painting, I grew to appreciate all of their subtle browns/grays. Available:

Reposted by Author M. I. Verras

lol you mean this one? 😅🪶

Red breasted sapsucker perched on a eucalyptus trunk

If there was a past life, I know I was a victorian. I was made for that. I always believed I didn't fit in this era. I got nothing to do with all that ridiculousness of nudism named "fashion", which was promoted for profiteering throughout body shape intervention and less spending on fabrics.

Victorian Gothic outfit ✨️✨️✨️@Kling AI #dress #costume #fantasy #ai #zulfiiaermakova #Victorian #gothic #fashion #coat #steampunk #woman
Victorian Gothic outfit ✨️✨️✨️@Kling AI #dress #costume #fantasy #ai #zulfiiaermakova #Victorian #gothic #fashion #coat #steampunk #woman

TikTok video by Zulfiia Ermakova


So cute and fluffy.

Reposted by Author M. I. Verras

Autumn Equinox A morning of soft rain & sharp showers. A day for damply napping cats, a large pot of rich, nourishing autumnal soup on the stove, steaming mugs of tea, soft music quietly playing, and the stack of books on the coffee table on naval history Mabon blessings all!Autumn Equinox A morning of soft rain & sharp showers. A day for damply napping cats, a large pot of rich, nourishing autumnal soup on the stove, steaming mugs of tea, soft music quietly playing, and the stack of books on the coffee table on naval history Mabon blessings all!

Our cat Osric Longtail curled up, napping. A large brown and white tabby cat asleep with his head on his paws
Reposted by Author M. I. Verras

Honestly, I would take it anyway I could get it. The bus/bike lane....nice, even better the tractor/bike lane.

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Author M. I. Verras
Worldwide-known author, singer, pianist, and music composer. Enneagram type 4 ♠️♣️🌑 Who are the ten figures seated around the table? THE HIDDEN FACE (Amazon, Ebay, B&N):
4.6k followers24k following19 posts