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Bénédicte Miyamoto
Associate Professor British History 18c Art World, Pigment, Auction, Migration, Circulation of knowledge & Artists. @crewparis3, currently CNRS délégation, #SorbonneParis3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, She/her/Dr
762 followers973 following85 posts
Reposted by Bénédicte Miyamoto

Ultimatum: if you don’t have 2/3 of these then I’m going in a blocking spree this weekend. Too many fake accounts, awful men and frauds on here to risk it now. If you can’t be bothered to add a photo and a bio you aren’t serious about using this site anyway.




Opening of the conference The Commerce and Circulation of Decorative Arts, 1792–1914: Auctions, Dealers, Collectors, and Museums, by Camille Mestdagh and Diana Davies, in the beautiful MusĂ©e des Beaux Arts in Lyon #arthistory#artmarket

Camille Mestdah on the left and Diana Davies on the right, talking below the powerpoint displaying the conference poster, an image of a nineteenth century auction in Drouot - bathed in lush red light, taken from the comfort of the theatre like auditorium

Anyway, really perfect setting to see a couple of architecture manuals and copy books!

Detail of a plate from a New Architecture book by Francine, 1669, showing and arch statue encased in rocailles columns. Very haughty face of the statue!

Austere beauty of the entrance to the Cabinet de la Milleraye, at the Bibliothùque de l’Arsenal, Paris. This place has been a library since the #18c , so you can imagine the decades of ushed silence within these walls

Oak door photographed sideways, to show stone walls, losange floor, a bust statue and a tall window opening on yet more architecture angles and details - all very 17 and 18th century
A new book of Architecture by Francine, opened to show a plate of arch design, and a doodled arch on a verso - the book has been used as a copy book, as it should be!
Reposted by Bénédicte Miyamoto

On a serious note. We increasingly hear in art history about the value of computer vision to identify & classify images that remain uncatalogued. This error is a silly one & just the tip of the iceberg. If we pursue this route all we guarantee is a mess humans will have to clean up down the line.

Reposted by Bénédicte Miyamoto

Hello early modern art folks following me. In your honor here's a very short thing about the gendering of street poverty in European artworks to 1800. This is Jacopo Bassano's "Lazarus and Rich Man", c.1550.

Renaissance artwork depicting scene from parable of dives and lazarus with beggar's sores being licked by a dog.
Reposted by Bénédicte Miyamoto

Here's a starter pack for those interested in medieval and early modern


Thank you for including me! So kind! Here’s more early modern (bad) art and doodles in margins as a warning: this is my thing if you follow me!

Doodles in brown ink of a badly drawn and curly haired face in the margin of a military triumphant arch, composite, in Alexander Francine’s  New Book of Architecture, 1669. Plate 39
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Bénédicte Miyamoto
Associate Professor British History 18c Art World, Pigment, Auction, Migration, Circulation of knowledge & Artists. @crewparis3, currently CNRS délégation, #SorbonneParis3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, She/her/Dr
762 followers973 following85 posts