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Michael Lobel
Professor of Art History, Hunter College & CUNY Graduate Center. I look at things and then write about them. Author of Van Gogh and the End of Nature, from Yale University Press:
2k followers64 following1.2k posts

I've always loved this photo of Josef Albers teaching with a very young Ray Johnson - who would go on to become one of the leading practitioners of Mail Art - looking studious in a white t-shirt in the foreground

A classroom setting. An older man stands before a group of students, gesticulating, apparently lecturing to them. In the foreground a young, sandy-haired man in a white t-shirt looks to take notes

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Michael Lobel
Professor of Art History, Hunter College & CUNY Graduate Center. I look at things and then write about them. Author of Van Gogh and the End of Nature, from Yale University Press:
2k followers64 following1.2k posts