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Solarbird :flag_cascadia:
She/her :blobcatheartlesbian: ex-software dev now writing words for money, fun, and/or survival. I like new people but may be too busy to follow back […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
11 followers1 following1.5k posts

Honestly pleased with this, this was just a chunk of rust when I got it. I didn't even know if it was salvagable and kind of doubted it. #electroplating#BikeTrailer#diy#maker

a metal spring clip against a white background. It's scratched and pitted but grey, not rusty, and clearly solid and functional.

after two more minutes and light wet sanding at 3000 grit #electroplating#diy#maker#BikeTrailer

the same washers, the top side looks shinier now, bottom looks about the same. total 10 minutes, 5 per side with a bunch of rotation and agitation

three minutes per side, no sanding really - this is just about water resistance. i sanded a little after this (600 grit wet) and am going for two more minutes per side at 3.5 volts #diy#maker#BikeTrailer#electroplating

two silverish washers and a reference black circle on a countertop. the upper plated washer looks shinier but that’s mostly texture of top side of a stamped style washer

first plating at 3v DC in the new solution #diy#maker#electroplating#BikeTrailer

looking down into a glass jar filled with green fluid in which hangs a wire holding two washers. a nickel bundle hangs in the fluid from the jar’s rim. both are connected to wires via alligator clips and the washers are bubbling
Reposted by Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

The complaint against LAPD for raiding a medical imaging place bc they thought it was a grow up, getting their rifle stuck to the MRI, and quenching the magnet is jaw dropping even for regular cop incompetence […] [Original post on]

Based on his
15 years
 as an LAPD officer and
twelve hours
 of narcotics training, and  based upon the presence of security cameras (typical of any reasonable commercial  business), tinted windows (a reasonable practice for any medical facility concerned with  patient privacy), high power usage (as any diagnostic facility), the alleged odor of cannabis plants (in a busy shopping plaza with no prior reports), the absence of a cultivation permit (which no diagnostic healthcare facility would possess), and the  presence of two men wearing identical company-branded shirts (unexpected of individuals involved in illegal cultivation), OFFICER FRANCO found probable cause for cannabis cultivation at the TARGET PREMISES
Considering the search yielded no live cannabis plants or any other contraband, and the detained employee had already been released, it was evident—or should have been—that any further action taken by the LAPD Officers would exceed the scope of the search warrant. 40.
However, some LAPD Officers continued to roam freely throughout the TARGET PREMISES, casually engaging in conversation with one another. The whole operation was nothing short of a disorganized circus, with no apparent rules, procedures, or even a hint of coordination. 41.
At 5:01 PM, an LAPD Officer was observed standing in front of the MRI office door, reading the sign that read, “Warning. Magnetic Field. High Frequency Yield. Metal Parts and Medical Instruments of All Types prohibited.” Additionally, the warning sign displayed photographs of items prohibited in the room, which included scissors, screwdrivers, keys, watches, and credit cards. 42.
The LAPD Officer then proceeded to the end of the hallway and returned a few seconds later with another LAPD Officer.
Said LAPD officer, dangling a rifle in his right hand, with an unsecured strap, approached the MRI Office, glanced at the large warning sign on the door, reopened the door with his left hand and proceeded inside. 44.
Expectedly, the magnetic force of the MRI machine attracted the LAPD Officer's loose rifle, securing it to the machine. 45.
The MRI machine was equipped with a sealed emergency pull button labeled, "Caution, Emergency Use Only." This button was intended to be activated solely in the event of a genuine emergency, such as a health risk to a patient inside the machine, a fire, or an evacuation situation. 46.
Rather than seeking assistance from the on-site employee, or waiting for the manager’s arrival, one of the LAPD Officers made the unilateral decision to break the seal and activate the emergency shutdown button, deactivating the MRI machine.
This action caused the MRI's magnet to rapidly lose superconductivity, leading to the evaporation of approximately 2000 liters of helium gas and resulting in extensive damage to the MRI machine. 48.
The LAPD Officer then grabbed his rifle, this time wearing the strap over his shoulder as he should have when he entered the MRI room, and proceeded to walk toward the entrance, leaving the magazine full of bullets on the floor of the MRI office.

i am also making new solution of course #diy#maker#electroplating#nickel

a glass jar of salted vinegar with nickel electrodes hooked up to a DC power supply making new nickel electroplating solution

so if your vinegar-based nickel plating solution gets real dark and doesn't plate as well but is still very clear, can you just add more vinegar? does that work? #diy#maker#electroplating#nickel

Reposted by Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

A sandwich shop outside of Pittsburgh refused to let Senator J.D. Vance host a planned campaign event, instead reportedly forcing the Republican vice presidential nominee to shake hands in a parking lot. 'Embarrassing': J.D. Vance shakes hands in parking lot when sandwich shop won't let him in […]

Reposted by Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

CBS News has chosen to be a cowardly entertainment company, not a journalism organization, in its cavalier decision not to do any fact-checking in the VP debate next week. This is an invitation for Vance -- as prolific a liar as Trump -- to flood the zone with bullshit. There's not enough time […]

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Solarbird :flag_cascadia:
She/her :blobcatheartlesbian: ex-software dev now writing words for money, fun, and/or survival. I like new people but may be too busy to follow back […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
11 followers1 following1.5k posts