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Monterey Bay Aquarium
How do you do, fellow squids? 🌊 We're your frondly Aquarium with a mission to inspire conservation of the ocean.
77.8k followers21 following266 posts

Behind the scenes of sea otter care, our gear is as unique as the otters themselves! From donning a Darth Vader-esque disguise (yes, really!) to using baby bottles for feeding our rescued pups, it takes more than meets the eye to keep these fluffs happy and healthy.

Rescued sea otter pup floats on its back in a rehabilitation pool as a member of the Sea Otter Program team, dressed in a Darth Vadar like disguise (with a black cloak and a welding mask), hands the pup food.
Rescued sea otter pup sits on a grate in the rehabilitation area being groomed with a towel by a Sea Otter Program team member dressed in a Darth Vadar-like disguise (with a black cloak and a welding mask).
Rescued sea otter pup held by a member of the Sea Otter Program dressed in a Darth Vadar-like disguise (with a black cloak and a welding mask) bottle feeds the pup as it holds the end of the bottle.
Sea otter pup lays on back looking straight on, is held by a member of the Sea Otter Program who holds a baby bottle in their green-gloved hands.

We need more information here.


I (think I) understand the need for face protection, but why is it tinted?


The tint is so they don't get used to humans?


With stacks of towels for grooming, sturdy bite-proof gloves to handle those curious paws, we’re ready for anything. Otter care is searious business—but it shore comes with some fun perks!


Is the welder's mask so the otters can't see a human face and start to associate human = food and comfort, so instead they see a reflection of an otter (themselves) in the mask, so they associate otter = good things/ hang out with other otters??


That looks more "goth beekeeper" than Vader

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Monterey Bay Aquarium
How do you do, fellow squids? 🌊 We're your frondly Aquarium with a mission to inspire conservation of the ocean.
77.8k followers21 following266 posts