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Monterey Bay Aquarium
How do you do, fellow squids? 🌊 We're your frondly Aquarium with a mission to inspire conservation of the ocean.
77.8k followers21 following266 posts

How much would you have to eat to match a sea otter's diet? 🦦 🤔 There’s a new study we co-authored examining the otters’ foraging habits and caloric consumption of southern sea otters in California. Sea the post to discover how much energy sea otters spend in a day to survive!

A beach with a blue ocean, rocks lining the beach, and mountains in the distance. The text on image reads: There's a population of sea otters in Año Nuevo, CA. A recent study looked at their diet and foraging habits. Here’s what they found…
A sea otter with her pup laying on her stomach as they float among a bed of yellow and green kelp. The text on the image reads: Sea otters burn a lot of energy daily searching for food, staying warm, and raising their pups.
Three sea otters floating in the ocean with their paws above the water. The text on the image reads: At Año Nuevo, sea otters can consume ~9.5 kilocalories/min. and spend ~9 hours/day foraging to meet their caloric needs.
A person holding a pepperoni pizza, another slice is pictured in the pizza box and one in the distance on a plate. The text on the image reads: For a human to match this energy demand (assuming a 2,000 kilocalorie diet), we’d need to eat one slice of pepperoni pizza every hour of the day!

Challenge accepted!


Challenge accepted.


Stop threatening me with a good time.


Hungry for more? Shellebrate Sea Otter Awareness Week with us all week long!

A sea otter sitting on the beach staring out into the distance. The text on the image reads: How quickly they can find that amount of food tells us a lot about their environment.
A sea otter floating in the water eating some food and looking up towards the sky. The text on the image reads: This research also found that this population hasn't expanded beyond its current range in 20 years (only inhabiting 13% of its historical range).
A sea otter poking out of the ocean at the surface. A bed of kelp surrounds the otter as it looks into the distance. The text on the image reads: Although there are fewer  sea otters at Año Nuevo than in Monterey Bay…
A raft of sea otters floating in kelp beds in the water. The text on the image reads: they still have to work hard to find their food even with less competition due to a lower number of otters.

Ok, I'll do it. I will take this burden on my shoulders and my stomach.


Año Nuevo is so beautiful. I met this skittery fellow when I visited.

My homeboy hanging out at Año Nuevo State Park.

I'm willing to try this diet.


I could probably do 2 otters, easy.


Challenge accepted


Can I just eat 24 slices every morning?

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Monterey Bay Aquarium
How do you do, fellow squids? 🌊 We're your frondly Aquarium with a mission to inspire conservation of the ocean.
77.8k followers21 following266 posts