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Monterey Bay Aquarium
How do you do, fellow squids? 🌊 We're your frondly Aquarium with a mission to inspire conservation of the ocean.
77.8k followers21 following266 posts

The lower third of panel four focuses on the rocky and sandy formation of the sea floor, covered in purple sea urchins. The text on the image reads sea urchins have big appetites, too, with kelp being one of their favorite go-to snacks! When sea otters keep urchin populations in check, they can prevent the towering underwater forests from vanishing.
A  long stalk of golden kelp covers the right side of the image against the illustrated blue and green hues of the ocean floor background. The text on the image reads thousands of fishes, birds, and other animals depend on healthy kelp forests for their survival. A healthy kelp forest may also help buffer coastlines from strong storms.
The final panel of the comic has the same diagram of sea otter, sea urchin, and kelp forest as the first slide. The text in the lower left corner of the image reads as a keystone species, sea otters help maintain the balance between urchins and kelp through this trophic cascade.

A kelp forest, the leaves are green and float through the ocean. The text on the image reads: Despite protection efforts, obstacles still limit the repopulation of this keystone species leaving other ocean habitats without their vital ecosystem roles.
A raft of sea otters floating in the ocean surrounded by kelp beds. The text on the image reads: So, next time you see these ocean protectors while out kayaking, be sure to respect their space, they’re replenishing their energy levels and resting for a reason!

Hungry for more? Shellebrate Sea Otter Awareness Week with us all week long!

A sea otter sitting on the beach staring out into the distance. The text on the image reads: How quickly they can find that amount of food tells us a lot about their environment.
A sea otter floating in the water eating some food and looking up towards the sky. The text on the image reads: This research also found that this population hasn't expanded beyond its current range in 20 years (only inhabiting 13% of its historical range).
A sea otter poking out of the ocean at the surface. A bed of kelp surrounds the otter as it looks into the distance. The text on the image reads: Although there are fewer  sea otters at Año Nuevo than in Monterey Bay

A raft of sea otters floating in kelp beds in the water. The text on the image reads: they still have to work hard to find their food even with less competition due to a lower number of otters.

With stacks of towels for grooming, sturdy bite-proof gloves to handle those curious paws, we’re ready for anything. Otter care is searious business—but it shore comes with some fun perks!


A closeup of a sea otter’s face, showing off several translucent whiskers adorning a black nose. An olive-green overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the top right corner with text on the bottom left that reads, “Sea otter whiskers
Sporty facial vibrissae
Track down tasty meals”
A sea otter mom floats on her back at the water’s surface with a pup on her chest reaching its paws upwards. A purple overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the top left corner with text in the bottom right that reads, “Hold tight little pup
Wrapped in the kelp canopy
Waiting for a snack”
A closeup of a sea otter grooming its hind flipper with its mouth and front paws. A red overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the bottom right corner with text in the top left that reads, “My snoot? Boopable.
My appetite? Voracious.
My job? Iconic.”

A sea otter floats at the water’s surface with its paws held together in front of it. A green overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the bottom right corner with text in the top left that reads, “Sea otters return
Kelp forests and eelgrass thrive
Healthy habitats”
A sea otter looks directly at the viewer with one paw up as she swims underwater. A brown overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the top left corner with text in the bottom right that reads, “Swimming among an
Underwater cathedral
Silent as it preys”
A sea otter floats upright at the water’s surface among golden giant kelp fronds. A turquoise overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the bottom right corner with text in the top left that reads, “Fur, fangs, and flippers
Deceptively fluffy logs
Impactful species”
A very large group of around 80 sea otters float at the water’s surface among golden kelp fronds. A brown overlay includes a Monterey Bay Aquarium logo in the top left corner with text in the bottom left that reads, “Once nearly extinct
Spot them in Monterey Bay
Water wolverine”

Stay tuned to all of our social channels “fur” another week full of fabulous fun featuring our favorite fuzzy fronds. Sea a list of events and more at


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Voting is one of the most powerful conservation actions you can take—it’s a way to use your voice to protect the ocean and the animals (and human communities, and all life on earth, really) who depend on it. đŸ’Ș💙🌎


Check out the link in our bio for more info on the impact of plastic pollution on human and ocean health–as well as ways that you can limit your exposure to plastic pollution. Together, we can ensure a healthier future for all, one action at a time! 🌊

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Monterey Bay Aquarium
How do you do, fellow squids? 🌊 We're your frondly Aquarium with a mission to inspire conservation of the ocean.
77.8k followers21 following266 posts