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Lynne Ann Morse
Ex-pat USA, Belgium resident: married to Loving Spouse for over three decades. An SF fan, cat lover, canine compatible, serial crafter. I enjoy #BloomScrolling and #SomethingBeautiful New followers: your posts = CV. Nothing there? Bye!
890 followers724 following12.8k posts

As always, I can never quite make up my mind, because there are something like a top 5.


1. teenage self attending various Star Wars showings - the very first was with a lot of my D&D playing SF fan friends, AND it was my very first experience of the cinema really LEANING into the event, by booing as one at the tall, black-clad, hissing figure in the pristine white of the Princess' ship

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Lynne Ann Morse
Ex-pat USA, Belgium resident: married to Loving Spouse for over three decades. An SF fan, cat lover, canine compatible, serial crafter. I enjoy #BloomScrolling and #SomethingBeautiful New followers: your posts = CV. Nothing there? Bye!
890 followers724 following12.8k posts