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Talking about private stuff, food, marketing & startups. Founder of MR.WOM (word of mouth), (food startups) and NewFoodFarm (food marketing). Posts are my private opinion. Konstanz / Kreuzlingen
259 followers589 following5.7k posts


Reposted by MR. WOM

The feed of scientists who research all aspects of physical and social climate science has just hit 1,100+ members! Pin this feed to stay up to date on cutting-edge insights and updates from the experts who study climate science and impacts and tackle solutions every day.

a woman speaking on a stage with the words we must listen to science behind her
a woman speaking on a stage with the words we must listen to science behind her

Alt: someone who looks like Elizabeth May saying that we must listen to science. It certainly looks like her and sounds like her!

Reposted by MR. WOM

"Stationarity" is the belief that past climate is an accurate predictor of future conditions. Sounds silly, right? But we've baked this false sense of stability into all our human systems. From building codes to water systems to infrastructure, it's all designed for a planet that no longer exists.

a man is standing on the side of the road holding a shovel and a sign that says this would be us .
a man is standing on the side of the road holding a shovel and a sign that says this would be us .

ALT: a man is standing on the side of the road holding a shovel and a sign that says this would be us .

Reposted by MR. WOM

"...dass die Hoffnung, dass sich extreme Parteien irgendwann selbst entzaubern, wenn man sie wie jede andere Partei behandelt, ein fataler Irrglaube ist. Stattdessen zeigt sich, dass eine Normalisierung einer extremen Partei wie der FPÖ nur dabei hilft, immer stärker zu werden." #ZDF#ARD#CDU

Rechtspopulisten siegen in Österreich: Warum das eine Warnung für Deutschland ist
Rechtspopulisten siegen in Österreich: Warum das eine Warnung für Deutschland ist

Die rechtspopulistische FPÖ hat in Österreich ein Rekordergebnis eingefahren. Daraus lassen sich auch Lehren für die deutsche Politik ziehen.

Reposted by MR. WOM

Russia won the Austrian elections

Reposted by MR. WOM

Ihr erinnert euch noch an die Bauernproteste dieses Jahr?! Landwirtschaft vs. Naturschutz - ein offensichtliches Dilemma! Wir können uns nicht gleichzeitig ernähren UND Biodiversität & Klima retten. Oder vielleicht etwa doch? 🤔 Wir haben uns das mal genauer angeschaut. Neue Folge MAITHINKX! ⬇️🤓🌍

Landwirtschaft: Wie unsere Ernährung die Natur zerstört
Landwirtschaft: Wie unsere Ernährung die Natur zerstört

Oft gilt Landwirtschaft vs. Naturschutz. Aber wie können wir die Bevölkerung ernähren und gleichzeitig die Biodiversität erhalten, fragt MAITHINK X.

Reposted by MR. WOM

September 30. Scientific journal warns that “Carbon Dioxide and climate: carbon budget still unbalanced” September 30... 1977. That would be... 47 years ago. You have to laugh, don't you?

Screen grab of first page of Science article from Sept 30 1977 with title "Carbon Dioxide and Climate: Carbon Budget Still Unbalanced."
Reposted by MR. WOM

"Companies should go beyond setting targets for cutting their own carbon footprints and start lobbying for sweeping, long-term rules that reshape entire markets." I'd say so.

The great green business rethink is finally happening
The great green business rethink is finally happening

An overdue push to reshape markets, not just individual companies, is under way at last

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Talking about private stuff, food, marketing & startups. Founder of MR.WOM (word of mouth), (food startups) and NewFoodFarm (food marketing). Posts are my private opinion. Konstanz / Kreuzlingen
259 followers589 following5.7k posts