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Bird watcher, amateur photographer, and much, much more. I only post photos taken by me. Cameras: Nikon D90 (now dead), Nikon D3200, Nikon D3100. Occasionally Samsung Galaxy A52s.
54 followers18 following198 posts

Peek-a-boo? Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) among the branches of a tree. #birds#ornithology#nature#naturalist 📷

A beige, black and brown little bird sitting on a branch with lots of long, narrow leaves, peeking around the branch towards the camera.

The graceful flight of egrets (Ardea alba). #birds#ornithology#nature#naturalist 📷

Two large white birds with long necks, long yellow beaks and long black legs flying just above the surface of a lake. The trailing bird is hitting the surface of the water with the tip of its left wing.

A dragonfly (not sure which kind) deciding to take a break on the gravel path. #dragonflies#invertebrates#insects#nature#naturalist 📷

A brown dragonfly sitting on pebbles with some dead grass among them.

A grey heron (Ardea cinerea) looking for some lunch. #birds#ornithology#nature#naturalist 📷

A large grey bird with long legs and long neck walking along a pool of water, with long reeds or grasses in the background.
A large grey bird with long legs and long neck walking along a pool of water, with long reeds or grasses in the background.

The white-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) were out on their favorite perch again today. This is usually as good a picture as I can get of them, since they are very far away from any birding towers. #eagles#birds#ornithology#nature#naturalist 📷

Blurry and grainy image of two large brown eagles sitting on a concrete block.

One of the best pictures I have of a white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) near a birding tower by a lake here. It is usually way too far away for any decent photos, but this time it was on its way to its favorite perch and flew right by me. #birds#ornithology#eagles#nature#naturalist 📷

A big mottled brown eagle with white tail, flying left to right over a lake, the wings on the down stroke. The opposite side of the lake is visible in the background.

A common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) hovering over a field in the morning mist, looking for breakfast. #birds#ornithology#nature#naturalist 📷

A bird of prey with a small beak, hovering in mid air with its tail fanned out and wings spread, looking down at the ground. The bird is silhouetted against a bright misty white sky.

A couple of red admirals (Vanessa atalanta) soaking up the morning sun on a couple of trees. #insects#butterflies#invertebrates#nature#naturalist 📷

A butterfly with (from the body towards the tips) brown, orange and black wings with white dots on the wing tips, sitting on the bark of a tree trunk, head down.
A butterfly with (from the body towards the tips) brown, orange and black wings with white dots on the wing tips, sitting on the bark of a tree trunk, head towards the right.

This bumblebee was big. Seemed to like these flowers, though. #insects#bees#bumblebees#invertebrates#nature#naturalist 📷

A black and orange bumblebee sitting on a white funnel-shaped flower. The bee has white pollen on its hind legs.

This mallard seems to be a bit late with having her offspring this year. This was September 1st. On the other hand, they don't migrate, so I'm sure it will be fine... #birds#chicks#ornithology#nature#naturalist 📷

A female mallard swimming in a river with her ducklings.
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Bird watcher, amateur photographer, and much, much more. I only post photos taken by me. Cameras: Nikon D90 (now dead), Nikon D3200, Nikon D3100. Occasionally Samsung Galaxy A52s.
54 followers18 following198 posts