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Je Hyeon Sim 심제현 grampy radish
18+ sleepy, disabled out of the workforce, Minneapolis-based KorAm, adopted and angry. sometimes wrong, always trying to be better. they/them
4.1k followers1.2k following44.3k posts

"Had I been asked, I would not have given that same $30,000 to save my sons’ biological families and come home empty-handed, a difficult truth to reckon with." "If the goal of adopting my children was to build a family, then I need to take a hard look at the families I dismantled to build my own.'

I willingly, joyfully adopted my sons from Paraguay. I would never do it again
I willingly, joyfully adopted my sons from Paraguay. I would never do it again

Rumors of stolen children adopted by unsuspecting parents circulated in international adoption circles for decades. And now a recent report confirms they're true. Nearly 30 years ago, Marjie Alonso ad...


this would be a good headline “… the adoption industry isn’t propelled by altruism. It is a multi-billion-dollar business. The product they sell is children.”


I don't want to call out someone for making the right call (int adoption is bad) but.. did she do anything for the birth mothers after she met them? I feel like that was missing from the essay


The thing that gets me re: overseas adoption too is that typically there's plenty of orphans in one's own home country that would benefit from loving parents. It's just that, as there should be, there's a bunch of red tape associated with it. (And even then it doesn't keep out all the bad actors)


if you know people considering adoption, maybe hearing from another adoptive parent will sway them to change their mind. for the rest of you, please search out adoptee voices, we have heaps of media we've created to talk about the systems that brought us to our adopters and the many faults

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Je Hyeon Sim 심제현 grampy radish
18+ sleepy, disabled out of the workforce, Minneapolis-based KorAm, adopted and angry. sometimes wrong, always trying to be better. they/them
4.1k followers1.2k following44.3k posts