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Ned Raggett
Hi! I write about music at various spots (, The Wire, Shfl and my Patreon, also in the past, Bandcamp, Pitchfork, etc. etc.). Plus podcasting about Tolkien with friends at
2.6k followers1.1k following11.2k posts
Reposted by Ned Raggett
Reposted by Ned Raggett

my kid’s imaginative play reflects his real life experiences which is why today he’s playing “the parking lot is full at the pacifica taco bell”

Reposted by Ned Raggett

Let me add, BTW, that when you have a film with a shot featuring Bette Davis, Maggie Smith (rocking an AWESOME tux) and Angela Lansbury all in Anthony Powell’s Oscar-winning costume designs, I mean, goddamn. Anthony Shaffer’s script for _Evil_ was sharper that for _Death_ but both films rule.

Bette Davis in a gold ‘rich old widow’ dress with arm length white gloves and a monocle, Maggie Smith in that tux smoking and giving “yeah fuck you” and Angela Lansbury sipping her drink while wearing this crazy over the top thing I just can’t describe. Genius.
Reposted by Ned Raggett

Backtracking a bit tonight to rewatch the other Ustinov Poirot that Maggie was in, _Death on the Nile_. A snarky obviously-coded-lesbian assistant to Bette Davis? Hell yeah. “This town is filled with rich old widows willing to pay for a little groveling and a body massage. YOU go ahead and fire me!”

Maggie Smith in _Death On The Nile_ in a 30s haircut, a masculine suit top, a precisely held cigarette and the vibe of “Do not even try and fuck with me.”
Reposted by Ned Raggett

Do what you want with this info, as well: Instagram recently made it so that links shared from their platform are unique to you. This means if you have an anon bluesky/twitter, but use ur real name on insta (like me), posting insta links is doxxing yourself 🤡

Highlight from linked instagram help page: 
Note: when you share content with someone that isn’t following you on instagram, they may see your instagram profile and be able to send you a follow request
Reposted by Ned Raggett

Interesting account of the Asheville flood of 1916 - also a hurricane.


A case of “you had to be there” but the marketing around Batman 89 was, however implicitly. that we were supposed to be getting something more like _Dark Knight Returns_ than the TV show. Not the case! (Does remind me that I’d love to find the Pogo revival Sunday strip from 89 parodying DKR.)

Reposted by Ned Raggett

This isn’t why I ended up in Detroit (I needed a more sustainable life as I got into my 60s) but there hasn’t been a day I haven’t been happy with my decision (even with the items in the “cons” column). DM me if you want to know more about moving here.

Reposted by Ned Raggett

There’s no power or cell phone service for nearly fifty miles around. There will be no news helicopters taking photos of the utter destruction in Jefferson County, GA. And this is the case for hundreds of smaller towns that were in the path.

Reposted by Ned Raggett

I’m glad people are paying attention to Asheville and Appalachia but central Georgia was also destroyed. These are photos I took yesterday of my home town an hour south of Augusta.

A large tree has fallen
A large tree has fallen
Two power poles lean towards the ground, soon to fall
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Ned Raggett
Hi! I write about music at various spots (, The Wire, Shfl and my Patreon, also in the past, Bandcamp, Pitchfork, etc. etc.). Plus podcasting about Tolkien with friends at
2.6k followers1.1k following11.2k posts