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Porcupines can be a little prickly sometimes, it's in our nature. Especially when attacked. I mute people who equate Biden and Trump. I've heard all your arguments, and I don't need to hear any more. I follow back. I block back. #470716
1.5k followers2.2k following9.1k posts

My husband works with Southern AZ Search and Rescue, and he said once in a call out, a sheriff was there and his gun fell out of his holster and down the mountain. I think my response was something like, of course it did.

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Porcupines can be a little prickly sometimes, it's in our nature. Especially when attacked. I mute people who equate Biden and Trump. I've heard all your arguments, and I don't need to hear any more. I follow back. I block back. #470716
1.5k followers2.2k following9.1k posts