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Chris Stokes
53 followers160 following1k posts

Don't suppose he worships at Newark's Odinist temple, does he? 'As Odinists, we practise and perpetuate England's native and national faith, which is the original, Old Religion of the English people.'

Reposted by Chris Stokes

This afternoon in 1957 in Russia, at the Mayak plant in the closed city of Chelyabinsk-65 near Kyshtym in the Southern Urals, a stainless steel tank holding 70-80 tons of highly-radioactive waste from extracting plutonium for nuclear weapons exploded, releasing 20 million curies of radioactivity.

A Google Earth satellite photograph of Chelyabinsk-65.
Reposted by Chris Stokes

I think the probably unique thing about Palgrave was the extent to which he dominated at school level -- a comment by my aunt on the post notes that he was *the* poetry book at every school she went to in the 50s / 60s. So for many people who only read poetry at school, the pattern was set.


Just read it. Non-state schools, at a guess. I wonder how widely adopted it was in state schools. Don't remember seeing Palgrave in my schooling in the state sector from early 70s on. I wasn't much interested in poetry then, but am sure that for O level lang & lit, it wasn't in my classroom.

Reposted by Chris Stokes

Sir Keir Starmer on Good Morning Britain, 2021.

“I was the Director of Public Prosecutions that prosecuted MPs for breaches of the expenses rules so I know how to take tough decisions and if I get into power I want to clear this up. I don’t think it’s acceptable to simply say, “well, it goes on”, “it’s priced in”, “it’s all right.” It isn’t all right. It needs to be cleaned up, because millions of people out there do not want one rule for those in government and another rule for everybody else. That is not acceptable, and if I were Prime Minister I would make it clear that I’d clean that up.”
Reposted by Chris Stokes

One time my dad was walking back from the supermarket in Oxford and saw a man beating up another man in the street, and couldn't believe none of the people standing around were breaking it up. So he dropped his bags and went straight in. And that is how he spoiled a take for an episode of Lewis.


Is that what they call 'doubling down'?


Be fair. He's effective for some.


Sorry. I thought you were endorsing the idea that all ‘people that still opt for Home births… are utterly bonkers’ and that in many cases this was due to their having ‘been fed a lot of dangerous nonsense’.


Doesn't seem to be available on Netflix in the UK at present tho.

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Chris Stokes
53 followers160 following1k posts