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National University of Ireland
The National University of Ireland is a federal university comprising 4 constituent universities and a number of other educational institutions. RCN: 20000035
105 followers83 following127 posts

Jack B. Yeats was born #OTD#Olympics, in 1924, Yeats won a silver medal for painting🎨🥈

Dublin 7, 1946.

Dear Dr McCarthy, I thank you for your letter (illegible) and I thank the Senate for the Honour of Distinction they offer me and which I have the very greatest pleasure in accepting. I am, yours truly, Jack B. Yeats.

From 1910 to 1992, NUI ran a matriculation exam. This high stakes assessment was sometimes treated by employers as a qualification in itself. Our archives hold some examples of the failed attempts at bribery that some students would undertake to pass the matric like this 1932 example:

A letter dated 26 July 1932. The address is redacted. It reads "Sir, I got the result of my matriculation and I have failed. I want a matriculation certificate very much in order that I might get some job. I am not going to a University so I am willing to pay (£10) ten pounds for the two subjects I want (Mathematics and Latin) or if that cannot be obtained I will pay (£20) twenty pounds. My father does not know I am writing this letter so I would like it to remain a secret. If you send on a certificate by return and state your terms I will comply with them. I remain, yours faithfully, [redacted name]. P.S. I have three subjects obtained since last year: English, Irish and Geography." On the top right is written, by NUI, "Ignore".

Using these very postmodern undated gems, found in the building after a meeting many years ago, as a reminder to apply to vote in the upcoming Chancellor election! Note, these doodles do not count as official convocation guidelines. Apply here:

A yellowed piece of paper with doodles on it, which read:

You may be Chancellor.
You can elect the Senate?
You can pass resolutions.
HOW? Eat less bread.


Will of course.
Where and how
What. Join now.
Yellowed paper with doodles, which read:

(Heading in red pen, added after the fact: Found in house after meeting of [illegible])

Join to-day

Ask yourself squarely are you justified in spending your money on cigarettes instead of Joining Convocation and helping to make it strong?

Join, it is your duty!

It only costs one pound.

Your place is waiting for you!

Join Join Join
    Join Join

Drawing of three people and small writing reading "convocation hall".

The NUI Grants toward Scholarly Publications are also open, to support the publication of scholarly work. Current and retired staff from NUI institutions and ECAs with NUI doctoral degrees can apply. 🗓️Apply by Sunday, 1 December 2024 More info:

NUI Awards: Publication Prizes & Grants
NUI Awards: Publication Prizes & Grants

Information on the Publication Prizes & Grants offered by the National University of Ireland.


Bhí an-chraic againn ar maidin nuair a rinne muid cróiseáil le linn ár gCiorcal Comhrá. Bhí an t-ádh linn go raibh Aidan agus Elaine, beirt aoi iontacha, linn chun Gaeilge a labhairt.🧶☕️💬 Clárú leis an liosta teagmhálaithe don Ciorcal Comhrá anseo:

A poster headed "Arts & Crafts X Ciorcal Comhrá Foclóir". 

Below it reads:
"arts and crafts: ealaíona agus ceardaíocht
crochet: cróise; cróiseáil
crochet hook:	crúca cróise / biorán cróise 
stitch/loop:	 lúb
wool: snáth olla
knot: snaidhm
slip knot: snaidhm reatha
double: dúbailte
chain: slabhra
slip stitch: lúb fholamh
square: cearnóg
circle: ciorcal
blanket: blaincéad"
An attendee's hands in close up as she crochets with pink wool.
An attendee's hands in close up as she crochets with pale yellow wool.

On 1 July 1991, just over 33 years ago, NUI bestowed an honorary DLitt on Edna O'Brien at a ceremony in University of Galway. Today, we again honour her contribution to literature in Ireland and internationally. Here is her letter to us accepting the invitation to receive the degree.

A letter, headed: 2 Ovington Street, London, SW3. 

"Dear Mr Nolan,

Thank you for your letter concerning the Honorary Doctorate. I should be happy to accept and have made a note concerning July 1st 1991. I also realise that the matter is to be confidential.

Yours sincerely,

Edna O'Brien". 

Stamped received on 28 Dec 1990.

Emails really lack the personality of a handwritten letter! Below is one of our all-time favourite signatures in the NUI Archives (it's between this and Tolkien): that of GK Chesterton when he writes to NUI upon being offered an honorary degree in 1929. #FamousSignatures

A letter, dated November 1929, from GK Chesterton to NUI, written in his very distinctive hand. It reads:

Dear Sir, I do hope I may be forgiven if this letter comes late; and that it will be attributed to anything except insensibility to the great honour done to me. As a fact, it was due to complications of travel with which I will not trouble you; which delayed first the receipt of your letter and then my chance of reply. I can only say that if the University of Ireland paid me so splendid a compliment I should feel every possible kind of pleasure except a cause of deserving it; about that I can only please that I have believed all my life in the greatness of Ireland, not in any party or patronising spirit but from love of what is heroic in history. The only doubt concerns whether I can get free of my fixed engagements here in time for the date mentioned. I will do my very best; if it is quite impossible, I hope you will understand. Yours very faithfully, GK Chesterton."
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National University of Ireland
The National University of Ireland is a federal university comprising 4 constituent universities and a number of other educational institutions. RCN: 20000035
105 followers83 following127 posts