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Lisa Shininger (she/her)
who is a Cleveland Browns fan and therefore hates football
266 followers87 following3.8k posts

It was Keith Baxter! I assume they didn't get along offstage or something because I can't imagine how else his Antony came off so one-dimensional.


For me it's Antony and Cleopatra at Stratford in 1976. I mean, look at her. Can you imagine? It wasn't a v successful production because her costar reportedly kind of sucked but to see her do the whole range of Cleopatra looking like she stepped out of a Waterhouse painting must have been amazing.


It's so tedious that this argument comes up every single time there's another climate disaster and even more that it's almost always from someone pretending it comes from a place of compassion.


A storm shouldn't be able to transfer a huge chunk of the Gulf of Mexico to the fucking mountains of western North Carolina! It's beyond absurd to suggest anyone could have been able to predict this and make the right decisions to avoid it.


And in a lot of cases the communities who are most vulnerable to catastrophic flooding are vulnerable because of development decisions made almost a century ago by people who never envisioned the runaway climate emergency we're in. There aren't supposed to even be storms this large and powerful.


Listen even if the resources to move were available to everyone, you can't outrun a hurricane that covered >half the mid-south all at the same time. I'm in fucking Ohio where thousands of people lost power from Helene. OHIO. Climate disasters like this are not because of individual human decisions.

Reposted by Lisa Shininger (she/her)

So a SFF writer has shared a trans-hostile diatribe. I'm not reading it. I will continue to accept, respect and support trans people, who should have the same civil and legal rights as me. I know who I am better than anyone else and I expect people to believe me. I extend that courtesy to others.

Reposted by Lisa Shininger (she/her)

When you build vehicles with remote functionality, you get security and privacy problems like this. For the love of God, please stop building cars with the ability to lock/unlock, stop/start the engine from an app or a website.

Millions of Vehicles Could Be Hacked and Tracked Thanks to a Simple Website Bug
Millions of Vehicles Could Be Hacked and Tracked Thanks to a Simple Website Bug

Researchers found a flaw in a Kia web portal that let them track millions of cars, unlock doors, and start engines at willā€”the latest in a plague of web bugs thatā€™s affected a dozen carmakers.

Reposted by Lisa Shininger (she/her)

OK...the NWS Bot collection is now fully populated and ready to go. I'm sure bugs will come up along the way, but I think it is 95%+ stable. There's an index page at including a map (borrowed from NWS) to find the right bot for the area you want to follow.

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Lisa Shininger (she/her)
who is a Cleveland Browns fan and therefore hates football
266 followers87 following3.8k posts