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Doctora Malka Older
nerd with narrative disorder • humanitarian • sociopunk • evidence-based creativity • speculative resistance • predictive fictions • INFOMOCRACY • THE MIMICKING OF KNOWN SUCCESSES • …AND OTHER DISASTERS • • ASU-CSI • opinions my own
5.1k followers1.3k following6.3k posts
Reposted by Doctora Malka Older

Because I'll be around some of you at Capclave today, I did as I've done for the past 4+ years whenever I'm going to be around any of you — tested to make sure I'm not wandering about asymptomatic. And since I appear to be of no threat at the moment — off I go!

A COVID-19 test with a negative result against a background of the Earth from space.
Reposted by Doctora Malka Older

“I wasn’t fired for anything I said in the classroom. I was fired because of a charge brought by a student I had never met, let alone taught, who had been surveying my social media account for months.”

Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post
Tenured Jewish prof. says she's fired for pro-Palestine post

Pennsylvania’s Muhlenberg College may have become the first institution since Oct. 7 to oust a tenured faculty member for such statements, though the professor is appealing the decision and still rece...

Reposted by Doctora Malka Older

Starter pack: Should have all 122 in there, but a couple of the handles are misbehaving in search so a chance something is amiss.


Thank you for your service

Reposted by Doctora Malka Older

I'm about 40% through building this. Hotel wifi is blocking MySQL connections so I can't build the DB to back it tonight, but if I can get that done tomorrow I'll spin up the regional accounts maybe over the weekend and finish the build. Embed link goes to NWS site.

Reposted by Doctora Malka Older

Fog! Gaslight! Tea and scones! Trains moving at speed through the foggy night! Academia shenanigans! Murders! Very relevant social commentary! ...and two incredibly appealing heroines working together to figure it all out. Get both!

Reposted by Doctora Malka Older

And of course, the result: a reversal of Dem fortunes that could lead to victory. I don’t know if she will win. But if she does, these last three months will be seen as the most masterful display of political skills since LBJ. And I assume that mastery would carry over into her governance.

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Doctora Malka Older
nerd with narrative disorder • humanitarian • sociopunk • evidence-based creativity • speculative resistance • predictive fictions • INFOMOCRACY • THE MIMICKING OF KNOWN SUCCESSES • …AND OTHER DISASTERS • • ASU-CSI • opinions my own
5.1k followers1.3k following6.3k posts