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Susanne V.
IT project manager, old-school TTRPG gamer & board-game nerd, avid reader, and geek-of-all-trades. cis, queer, ROOSEVELT union (3rd-gen) democrat. she/her
14 followers29 following7 posts

i am both bitterly disappointed, and shrieking like a 5-year-old on 4 packages of pop rocks that one of my favorite authors said something directly in response to me!! this is a magical world!


Hey, i didn't realize how far off from Xitter you now were, so I'm wondering - has anyone poked you about the "Geeks for Harris & Walz" zoom (another zoom-encouragement call) being put together over there by, I sh*t you not, Lynda Carter? Tried tagging you and Wil W. on the announcement..


two comparisons of near-equal history-changing value: - Dan Savage, destroying Rick Santorum's career with a new definition for "santorum". (Betting a bunch of you still know it, too.) - Queen Tina Fey, taking down Sarah Palin so hard that people STILL mistake her lines for Palin's. Bye-bye Sarah!


god DAMN I miss Hunter S. Thompson. I would have LOVED to read his savage fulminations on Trump.. but i think it might have killed him to see..


I'd rather live in a state that uses my taxes to take care of ALL its people. I'm doing fine on my own, but I want children to be fed and educated, homeless to be housed, and medical care available for anyone who needs it. Thank god for the left-side states!


Here's my sleepy Little. Permanently goopy from a severe URI. after a feral start, he is now the sweetest ginger boy ever.


I thought I was the only one who cried when my latest rescue went from scarfing in 30 seconds and stealing everyone else's food, to ignoring a plate of food he didn't like! I knew then that he understood that there would be Enough for him, forever, and he wouldn't have to worry any more.

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Susanne V.
IT project manager, old-school TTRPG gamer & board-game nerd, avid reader, and geek-of-all-trades. cis, queer, ROOSEVELT union (3rd-gen) democrat. she/her
14 followers29 following7 posts