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Patrick Hanrahan
Pro EU, anti Tory & Reform, anti racists, right wingers. Pro good food, good wine, good people, animals, environment and good times. #FBPE 😁Posts may or may be not be parody Will follow a/cs if I can see what you’re about on your timeline. No DMs❗️
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In fact Rosie Duffield was so utterly disgusted by Starmer etc accepting donations, she accepted expensive tickets to The Golf Open👇🏼👇🏼 She was also so.. so disgusted by WFA plans she abstained from voting.. whereas she could have voted against it, as she resigned anyway but nope she didn’t 🤷🏼‍♂️🙄


I saw that. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let’s face it she has never liked Starmer and would have found another reason to get out if it wasn’t this one. I’m just sorry for the Canterbury residents who voted for her!


People in glass houses.......should not throw the first stone Personal statement: I have never accepted free hospitality at a professional sporting event...... oh! Except the two times my bro got me into a box at Lords for an International....

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Patrick Hanrahan
Pro EU, anti Tory & Reform, anti racists, right wingers. Pro good food, good wine, good people, animals, environment and good times. #FBPE 😁Posts may or may be not be parody Will follow a/cs if I can see what you’re about on your timeline. No DMs❗️
1.6k followers1.2k following1.1k posts