Paul Bivand
Labour market stats wonk: default mode: cynical. Boosts are not endorsements and may be ironic. Also on avian-dinosaur-site @PaulBivand
368 followers568 following187 posts
Reposted by Paul Bivand

You can tell a lot about cities by how long it takes the signals at a ped crossing to change Bristol seems to talk the talk about active travel,but I seem to be spending an awful lot of time waiting because they dare not upset the car drivers by stopping them for a few secs so ppl can cross a road!

Reposted by Paul Bivand

This graph is astonishing. The people that bang on about “natural birth” and “women have been doing this forever without help” need to be forced to stare at this until their eyes water.

Graph of maternal mortality rate against year for the UK. Rate bounces until and down around 500 deaths per 100,000 births until about 1940, when it falls sharply. It’s been very low (~1–3 per 100,000) ever since.
Reposted by Paul Bivand

Yes, all of this emphasises how broad based the challenge is. Which is why it concerns me when just one portion of the need gets elevated. It's often a prelude to distributing resources within the system rather than the bigger challenge- expanding the system esp employer investment.


Don't know if the vacancy data (ONS textkernel) includes those only advertised overseas. The Adzuna ones for health and care anomalous ly low compared to education, basic level both cases. I see that series as UK advertised new vacancies.


From Medway... That doesn't always end well. Like towing away the royal navy.


They're also just one year, when the lagged pay response to cost of living crisis kicked in variously by group, so pay that year not totally representative of longer term signals. People make career choices on lifetime, maybe hyperbolically discounted.


Not really, when I last looked there were several skilled trades in that quadrant. As well as others listed as critical. But Ashe data doesn't include self employed where higher net income trades, drivers are.


Demand stresses arising from decade long drops in relative pay and employment sending market signals to avoid need careful treatment. People sometimes respond rationally to market signals.

Reposted by Paul Bivand

(as it happens, in terms of numbers construction is way down the list- perhaps aided by migration. Yet, when we talk skills so often we flip into talk of the trades. Construction demand will increase in the next few years. But it really is a fairly small part of the story. Now to call a plumber...)

Reposted by Paul Bivand

"British jobs for British workers." Yes, those jobs are in the trades. They are also in the professions, science, tech, business, medicine. That's where most of the net new jobs will be created in the next decade. We have to think of ladders to opportunity as well.

PM bets all on British jobs for British workers
PM bets all on British jobs for British workers

By reviving a phrase that used to be toxic, Starmer is challenging both Reform and his party — and he must succeed

Paul Bivand
Labour market stats wonk: default mode: cynical. Boosts are not endorsements and may be ironic. Also on avian-dinosaur-site @PaulBivand
368 followers568 following187 posts