Paul Bradshaw
Data journalist and course leader, MA Data Journalism at Birmingham City University
324 followers123 following15 posts

My colleagues at the BBC Shared Data Unit have done a fantastic job uncovering the scale of cuts to libraries and their impact (including deprived areas being harder hit) - great to this story being picked up so widely

Public libraries in 'crisis' as councils cut services
Public libraries in 'crisis' as councils cut services

Deprived communities lost more libraries since 2016 than richer areas did, the BBC finds


šŸ“– Hot off the press with my chapter on communicating uncertainty: Data Journalism and the Covid-19 Disruption. Especially lovely is that two former students also have chapters in the book: Ashley Kirk and Carmen Aguilar GarcĆ­a

Data journalism and the COVID 19 disruption book cover
Chapter 2: communicating uncertainty in data journalism during the pandemic

ā€œGenerative AI often has a propensity to please and view things positively. Training it to understand politically nuanced language, where something might be nominally supported but effectively delayed or compared unfavorably with other parties, is challenging.ā€

Mastering Document Comparison: Key Insights So Far ā€” JournalismAI
Mastering Document Comparison: Key Insights So Far ā€” JournalismAI


Research finds ā€œcertain positions and aspects of journalistic work bring increased risk of facing harassmentā€ on social media. Investigative journalism, opinion pieces, public broadcasting ā€œidentified as strong risk factorsā€

Harassed for Their Job: Exploring Factors That Render Journalists Prone to Harassment and Intimidation
Harassed for Their Job: Exploring Factors That Render Journalists Prone to Harassment and Intimidation

Amid growing concern over harassment and intimidation targeting journalists, scholarly attention to their occurrence and implications has mushroomed. One aspect of these phenomena that often gets o...

Reposted by Paul Bradshaw

"Please don't get your hopes up because then you might yell at me if I'm wrong" as a guiding principle of data journalism.

Reposted by Paul Bradshaw

I've made a starter pack for Birmingham Bluesky. You can use it to follow people who will instantly know that it's an island, not a roundabout If you want to be added (or removed), let me know

Reposted by Paul Bradshaw

Tell us where to point satellites to take high quality satellite imagery! šŸ›°ļø Put the coordinates of the area of interest and why it is important for research purposes in the comments. We will select a few of your suggestions to publish with analysis by Bellingcat researchers...

If you could take a photo of the earth from space, what coordinates would you want to take a shot of and why?
Reposted by Paul Bradshaw

From the Times Insider, here's a behind-the-scenes on how our journalism comes together. This time about these little animations our team does and how the readers have reacted to them: šŸƒ

Paul Bradshaw
Data journalist and course leader, MA Data Journalism at Birmingham City University
324 followers123 following15 posts